071 LPD thread


Junior Member
re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

China has a Zubr and acquires the technology to build more. Seems like the Zubr is a wanted ship because even the Greeks have it.
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Well decks are meant to be wet, but there was a discussion as part of the US LHX development to create dry docks for landing crafts. I guess that would need some kind of davit while allowing multipurpose space inside the ship instead of the singlepurpose space of current wet docks.

If you're building a navy you have to think decades ahead.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

Type 071 LPD is one of my favourite ships, however it would be better to have a proper solid landing craft which can carry troops and mechanized utility for true Amphibious assualt, Air-cushioned landing craft are just too vunerable to attack when approaching shores especially if you have missed the enemy and most navy dont use Air-cushioned landing crafts anyway

considering 3 more LPDs are going to join PLAN soon maybe we might see some other types of landing craft used from Type 071 rather than just hovercraft


Senior Member
re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

Type 071 LPD is one of my favourite ships, however it would be better to have a proper solid landing craft which can carry troops and mechanized utility for true Amphibious assualt, Air-cushioned landing craft are just too vunerable to attack when approaching shores especially if you have missed the enemy and most navy dont use Air-cushioned landing crafts anyway

considering 3 more LPDs are going to join PLAN soon maybe we might see some other types of landing craft used from Type 071 rather than just hovercraft

Air cushion is the only seacraft that can land a 60tons monster while at the same time allow rapid mechanized deployment plus able to be deploy inside LDP.

LCU weight load is limited.


Lieutenant General
re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

Type 071 LPD is one of my favourite ships, however it would be better to have a proper solid landing craft which can carry troops and mechanized utility for true Amphibious assualt, Air-cushioned landing craft are just too vunerable to attack when approaching shores especially if you have missed the enemy and most navy dont use Air-cushioned landing crafts anyway

considering 3 more LPDs are going to join PLAN soon maybe we might see some other types of landing craft used from Type 071 rather than just hovercraft

So what exactly were you thinking off?

In modern warfare, speed and mobility are key to survival and success, and air cushioned landing craft have a significant advantage over pretty much all other alternatives in those regards.

If I was a tank commander, even if my tank was amphibious, I would much rather ride to the beach on a LCAC than having to flounder ashore on the tiny props attached to the tank, because not being hit is far better than trying to rely on your armor plate to keep you alive and in the game.

With modern ATGMs, even if you go all Zubar on the LCAC, a direct hit is still going to ruin your day. OTOH, a LCAC going full pelt may be able to spoof or even evade ATGMs, since those missiles were never designed to hit something going quite so fast, so they will be aiming to hit instead of leading as you would against a fast moving target.

I remember there being an episode of Top Gear, where one of the presenters actually managed to 'evade' a missile lock from an Apache with hellfires in a sports car because the car was just moving far too fast and erratically for the targeting computer to lock on to.