re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft
Actually an 071 costs $300 mil USD going off wikipedia... and that figure's been used on a few other websites too I think, or something in that range. Sounds about right because over on CDF there was talk about costs of LCS compared to other ships and 071 was brought up... and apparently you could get two or three 071s for one LCS at this moment or something lul.
500-800 men and 15-20 fast AAVs with helicopters can be sent over the horizon and more importantly, during battle under high pressure at a defended shore. civilian ro-ro ships would be good for moving massive amounts of cargo, men and vehicles once you've secured a beach head or port, and LPDs won't be used for simply moving stuff when the battle's said and done.
I think you said 071s don't have good self protection either -- well it's got 4 AK630s and an AK-176, which is decent. and they won't be operating alone either, there'll be destroyers, frigates and other LPDs operating in a task group with it. Not to mention air cover in future with Varyag, or from PLAAF if in a taiwan scenario.
And I think the complement should be vehicles
and men. I mean it's not like soldiers will be kipping in the well deck and we aren't going to have ZBD04s bunking lol... We've had pictures of the well deck with ZBD04s as well and I think it can hold
at least 20, going from this picture (count them).
Then, if they decide to use all the spacelike beneath we are definitely looking at 30-40 AFVs. Not sure if that would be effective in combat because it might be too many to deploy during battle.
Not to mention the dedicated vehicle "hall" that we know is there from the cutaway below (see where the Type 99 or 96 MBT is below)... could probably fit more vehicles there.
All those vehicles and men, able to be deployed in battle with a good 2-3 large helicopters on a vessel... very very decent. Get a half dozen of them, maybe a carrier and PLAN will have expeditionary capabilities probably in the top five of the world.