re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft
Not really news, see post # 322 (19.12.10);
“井冈山”舰在上海下水2010-12-01 08:21 作者:井冈山市民政局办公室
11月18日,由中国人民解放军海军命名的“井冈山”舰在上海市浦东举行了隆重的下水仪式,海装舰艇部王培 生副部长、井冈山市人民政府副市长肖建军、井冈山市双拥办应邀参加仪式,仪式上肖建军副市长代表井冈山市向 该舰赠送了慰问金和慰问品。
“井冈山”舰是一艘综合船坞登陆舰,用于成建制输送登陆兵及其武器装备,实施快速、立体、机动登 陆作战, 舰长210米,宽28米,排水量19000吨。
中国人民解放军海军能以“井冈山”命名该舰,充分体现了部队官兵对井冈山红色革命根据地的厚爱和褒扬,是对 井冈山精神的继承和发扬,增强了老区人民与部队的鱼水之情,对新时期井冈山双拥工作具有重大意 义。
and the Google version:
"Jinggangshan" ship was launched in Shanghai 2010-12-01 08:21 Author: Jinggangshan Civil Affairs Office
November 18, named by the People's Liberation Army Navy "Jinggangshan" ship in Shanghai Pudong held a grand launching ceremony, sea vessel loaded Deputy Minister of Ministry of Wang Peisheng, Jinggangshan Vice Mayor Xiao Jianjun, Jinggangshan invited to do the double-support participate in the ceremony, the ceremony on behalf of Deputy Mayor Xiao Jianjun Jinggangshan presented condolences to ship gold and gifts.
"Jinggangshan" ship is an integrated dock landing ship, for the landing forces and the organized transport of weapons and equipment, the implementation of fast, three-dimensional, mobile landing, the captain of 210 meters, 28 meters wide, displacement of 19,000 tons.
People's Liberation Army Navy can "Jinggangshan" named ship, fully embodies the troops of the Red Jinggangshan revolutionary base of love and praise, is to inherit and carry forward the spirit of Jinggangshan enhance the old liberated people and forces fish to water conditions, the new Jinggangshan during double-support work of great significance.