Purely out of idle speculation, does anyone know if the Type 71's dock is capable of carrying a number of type 022's rather than landing craft?
“井冈山”舰在上海下水2010-12-01 08:21 作者:井冈山市民政局办公室
“井冈山”舰是一艘综合船坞登陆舰,用于成建制输送登陆兵及其武器装备,实施快速、立体、机动登陆作战, 舰长210米,宽28米,排水量19000吨。
Well, just found this article. I guess this is official. It's name is that. According to this article, Type 071 is 210 m long, 28 m wide and have displacement of 19000 tons.
most recent photo of 999. I haven't really spotted anything new to report on it. I've read some speculations that HQ-10 is supposed to appear on this thing, but have seen no sign of it thus far.
Oh I think HQ-10 won't be too unrealistic -- they're being put on the varyag and the 056 corvettes after all.I noticed the original 071 is from the same "generation" as the 054, with Type 360/363 radar, AK-630 CIWS, and HQ-7 SAM. Since the PLAN has upgraded the sensors and CIWS on 054A, I'm curious to see if the new 071 LPD would follow. HQ-10 is unrealistic though.