I am assuming in your description of modifying the existing 056 to add a hangar does not include lengthening the hull. If that is the case, you'll have to lose some of the current features to fit the hangar. If you lower the landing deck to counter top heavy, you'll have to give up the TAS/VDS, the RHIB launch bay, and the RHIB itself. If you don't lower the landing deck, the height of the hangar will put the secondary mast and HQ-10 right in the path of the ship's exhaust and make it top heavy. Either approach will require removing the triple torpedo tubes. So how does that benefit overall? Given the current size of the ship, I do not believe it has any storage for additional fuel and weapons reload to any helo. There was much speculation when the first 056 was being constructed that the middle area between the triple torpedo tubes was a small hangar/storage and that turned out false. So lengthening the hull would almost be required to add a hangar and not lose all the other existing features. All of this is technically possible but the cost will now escalate.
WRT the small hangar "doors," do we know the space between the torpedo tubes are filled? Of course, the torpedo tubes will need space to swing out when they fire, but it's not a case where they need to be perpindicular to the ship's length to fire, it appears to be a 30-45 degree rotation maxima. Do we know how large empty space there is forward of the torpedo tubes?
It was thought before that the hangar doors could fit UAVs, but the torpedo tubes meant it would be impractical. But that doesn't discount use of space for helicopter rearm/supply
Helicopter refuelling equipment would be integrated into the ship, and at this point there's yet to be any proof the equipment is lacking. Maybe if someone had detailed pictures of that interior area.
My suggestion for adding a hangar did not include lowering the deck, nor lengthening the ship. Lengthening the ship may be cost prohibitive, and lowering the deck will reduce the other ASW sensors as you mentioned.
The Pattani class which 056 has ancestry with, shows a good hangar design which 056 can emulate. Its rear helipad is at a similar height to 056, its bow sits similarly low in the water, so the entire ship configuration makes a good analogue.
I expect such a configuration would make the roof of 056's helicopter hangar reach height of the black/grey smoke stack line. The HQ-10 and the rear "mast" (more of a stump, isn't it) do not protrude very high as it is, and raising it a meter or two will still make it sizably lower than the height of the main mast -- which sits both higher and probably has a greater mass. HQ-10 doesn't need deck penetration, so there's no weight beneath it which will further raise up, and an HQ-10 8 cell mount won't weigh more than a few tons at most (I think RAM launcher weighs 5.5 tons in all, and it holds 21 versus 8 missiles of HQ-10).
But this is conjecture, and unless we have hard data I don't think either of us can properly say whether such a modification would make the ship unstable. It will definitely be
more top heavy than baseline 056, but whether it poses a danger to standard operating is another question.
However the benefits of such a modification is worth the PLAN to investigate, and if any top heavy issues can be resolved without unacceptable rises in cost, such plans should be implemented.
OTOH, if such a configuration is deemed dangerous and the PLAN doesn't want to lengthen the ship, they could lower the helipad as you also suggested. Not the best choice, but losing VDS, TAS, and RHIB may be worth a permanent helicopter capability.
If this is an ASW variant, having a pair of ASMs in lieu of ASuMs makes sense. Torpedo tubes are close range. What if a helo is not accompanying the ship or in a wrong area when a sub is detected beyond torpedo tube range? Short of an ambush, what is the realistic chance a single 056 will need to fire off 4 ASuMs? Let's not forget it still has HQ-10 and H/P J-26 for surface engagements. Lastly, ASMs are still just torpedos much further out from the ship, and they still can sink a ship. Without any additional mods, I think a 2 ASM + 2 AsuM with TAS/VDS and a helo (with it's own ASW gear) on the pad would make a very inexpensive yet highly potent ASW platform sub commanders cannot ignore especially if they are produced in large numbers and all roaming out there within the first island chain.
I suppose whether replacing AShMs with ASROCs will depend on how ASW specialized 056s are used.
If they are replaced, there's also something to be said for having a dedicated quantity of a certain type of weapon. So it might be better to replace all 4 YJ-83s with an equivalent ASW missile launcher. Who knows, maybe CY series missile canisters can be designed smaller and they can fit in 8 instead of 4 or something.