You guys remember the fall sized carrier mock up the Chinese built? And those mock ups the shipyards built to show the PLAN higher ups shown a few pages back?
What is stopping the PLAN from making mock ups of it's newest ships on land and training all the crews up before the ships are even launched?
Such mock ups could just be a few unremarkable containers strapped together on the outside, like the 056 mock up, so they would be damn hard to notice unless you had an inside tip telling you where and what to look for.
Since the Chinese were willing to go as far as to make a 1-for-1 mock up of a carrier, a few far less detailed mock ups of the interior of corvettes, frigates and destroyers would be a piece of cake.
Obviously no amount of land based training can truly take over for the real thing, but it should go a long long way to preparing older and freshly graduated crews alike to high the ground running when their new ships are ready.