The exchange rate today is 1.62 USD to 1 British pound. 6.5 billion pounds = 10.53 billion USD, divided by 6 ships = 1.755 billion USD per ship at today's exchange rate. Keep in mind that this is total program cost estimates and not just cost of construction.
Yes...but if you add the things the Darings were designed for but not including (ie. the Harpoons, Launching Tomohawks, the rest of the ASW capability, etc.) then I expect the cost per Daring would come up to and either equal or exceed the ABs.
The Daring is one heck of a vessel...but to get them to be multi-mission will cost, just like it costs for the Burks, and at the end of the day, the Burks have twice the number of tubes that can already launch different ordinance for the same price.
I know this though, any US Carrier group would be happy to have a Daring along helping tremendously in the AAW mission, particularly if the are "link" enabled to the AEGIS vessels. From exercises they have already performed together, this impression is held within the US Navy service, all the way up the chain of command. The Daring is an impressive vessel. Wish they had 12 of them fully outfitted..
The Third 056 Of Hudong (9th of total?)
My latest issue of "Proceedings" from the US Navy Institute indicates that the Type 056 is now definitely being built in five different locations. They are going to build a lot of them...and need to to replace the older vessels.