055 DDG Large Destroyer Thread

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Registered Member
I've never noticed this before, but apparently, Type 055 uses 2 different types of decoy launchers.
There're 1 3x8 launcher and 1 4x8 launcher on each side.

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P.s. Source and additional reading:

As for the countermeasures, even the single decoy launchers, such as the 6x4 on the Type 054A, fires different countermeasures. We have already seen that in many pictures. There are at least two kinds of decoys being fired and I would assume that one is an active one, as meaning it contains an active jammer or radar emitting decoy, or a passive one which is chaff based. The passive or chaff based one could be tailored for different wavelengths, with the chaff cut to specific lengths, and the defense system choosing from a pallet. Which chaff it will choose will depend on the wavelength of the incoming missile's seeker. There is a possibility there might be anti-torpedo and smoke decoys as well.

The decoy launchers do not have their own separate type. They are referred to as Type 726-4, which is the fourth of the Type 726 system, which includes the 726-1 ESM, 726-2 ESM, 726-3 ECM and 726-5 ESM. This means the 726-4 DLS is integrated with the electronic warfare system. This means for example, the ESM would intercept the enemy seeker's radar, analyze it, copies it, so the active decoy when launched, emits a copy of the same signal to confuse the seeker. Or it will match the proper chaff length and fire the right chaff from the DLS. The threat signal can be sampled to the HHQ-10 missile to home in.

The one on the Type 052C/D is the 726-4 which is an 8x3 unit and there are two of these. The one on the Type 054A is the 726-4A, which is a 6x4 unit. I have no idea why they have to produce a 6x4 unit when the 8x3 unit does the same. Indeed, the Type 054 refit reverts back to the 8x3 unit. The 8x3 unit on the Type 055 is probably the same as the one on the 052C/D but given a casing to reduce its radar cross section. The 8x4 unit on the Type 055 is new, probably a 726-4X, with X being another letter. I do not know exactly what are the units on the Liaoning, Shandong and Hainan, and presumably they might either be 6x4 or 8x4 units.

I have no idea why the 055 has both an 8x3 and 8x4, and why not just two 8x3 or two 8x4.

Richard Santos

Registered Member
Did someone forget their % sign? An F15 being 730% as effective as a Mig21 I can just about believe.

It is an indication the ratio of the scores used to evaluate individual effectiveness of two platform does not translate to how many of one platform it takes to equal the other in combat.

In the example I cited, The algorithm did really give the F-15 an effectiveness score 730 times higher than the MiG 21. Yet the only thing that really says is an single F-15 is much more effective than a single MiG-21. It does not mean a single F-15 from 1975 can realistically hope to prevail in a simultaneous engagement with even 3 competently flown MiG-21, much less 7.3 or 730.


Senior Member
Registered Member
It is an indication the ratio of the scores used to evaluate individual effectiveness of two platform does not translate to how many of one platform it takes to equal the other in combat.

In the example I cited, The algorithm did really give the F-15 an effectiveness score 730 times higher than the MiG 21. Yet the only thing that really says is an single F-15 is much more effective than a single MiG-21. It does not mean a single F-15 from 1975 can realistically hope to prevail in a simultaneous engagement with even 3 competently flown MiG-21, much less 7.3 or 730.
Hey guys, are we talking type 055, or F15 v Mig 21, in this forum!!


Just Hatched
Registered Member
This is a known highly speculated rumour and this topic is hot around the Chinese communities around the world. I have always been admiring 'big' warships since I was a little kid. Always thought of joining the Singapore Navy but the injury substained during my 2 year National Service ruptured this dream. However that doesnt stop me from being a fan of any warships around the world, especially PLAN's warship, afterall I am a local born Chinese but my granddad's from China.

The soon-to-be-serviced (2014) Type 052D will be the main backbone of PLAN for many years to come. Although it is the largest DDG in PLAN inventory, it still cant match the USN's Aleigh-Burke class DDGs and Ticonderoga class CRs. However, the presence of Type 052D class will present a headache to the (surrounding countries navies) USN's presence to make them think twice.

The Type 055 DDG is thought to be PLAN's next generation destroyer. It is a warship with some very serious firepower to reckon with. The hulls used in the class of Type 052Bs, Type 52Cs are matured hull technology and the new Type 055's hull will be based on the former two classes hull, although it is thought to be certainly larger than those two classes. This all new class of DDG will most likely to feature a more stealthly hull and is speculated to be
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Prospective specs from the communities highly spectulates the design specifications as belows:

Tonnage: 12,000 tons fully loaded
Length: 183m
Beam: 22m
Propulsion: Conventional but most probably could be nucleared
Speed: 35 knots

Sensors and processing systems:

New generation of multi-module active phased array radar with a range of 600 km able to monitor and control several hundred targets and automatically distribute targets to various combat units (including the destroyer itself and other combat units). A joint combat data distribution transmission system similar to the Link-16 of US Navy.


There will be four level of missile interception.

It will be armed with:

  • One 155 mm gun that will later be replaced by an electromagnetic or laser gun.
  • Two 64VLS for surface to air missiles, cruise missiles, anti submarine missiles and anti ship missiles.
  • Each vertical launch tube of the 64VLS is 16 meters long and can be installed with one to eight missiles. The total number of missiles installed will be 128.
  • The surface to air missiles will be HongQi-10.
  • The anti ship missiles will be better than YJ-83 and YJ-62.
  • WHH004 launch device for new anti-submarine and anti-warship torpedoes.
  • Type 1130 11-barrel CIWS with the rate of fire exceeding 10,000 rounds per minute.
  • There will be two new-type anti-submarine helicopters on the destroyer.

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This is a known highly speculated rumour and this topic is hot around the Chinese communities around the world. I have always been admiring 'big' warships since I was a little kid. Always thought of joining the Singapore Navy but the injury substained during my 2 year National Service ruptured this dream. However that doesnt stop me from being a fan of any warships around the world, especially PLAN's warship, afterall I am a local born Chinese but my granddad's from China.

The soon-to-be-serviced (2014) Type 052D will be the main backbone of PLAN for many years to come. Although it is the largest DDG in PLAN inventory, it still cant match the USN's Aleigh-Burke class DDGs and Ticonderoga class CRs. However, the presence of Type 052D class will present a headache to the (surrounding countries navies) USN's presence to make them think twice.

The Type 055 DDG is thought to be PLAN's next generation destroyer. It is a warship with some very serious firepower to reckon with. The hulls used in the class of Type 052Bs, Type 52Cs are matured hull technology and the new Type 055's hull will be based on the former two classes hull, although it is thought to be certainly larger than those two classes. This all new class of DDG will most likely to feature a more stealthly hull and is speculated to be
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Prospective specs from the communities highly spectulates the design specifications as belows:

Tonnage: 12,000 tons fully loaded
Length: 183m
Beam: 22m
Propulsion: Conventional but most probably could be nucleared
Speed: 35 knots

Sensors and processing systems:

New generation of multi-module active phased array radar with a range of 600 km able to monitor and control several hundred targets and automatically distribute targets to various combat units (including the destroyer itself and other combat units). A joint combat data distribution transmission system similar to the Link-16 of US Navy.


There will be four level of missile interception.

It will be armed with:

  • One 155 mm gun that will later be replaced by an electromagnetic or laser gun.
  • Two 64VLS for surface to air missiles, cruise missiles, anti submarine missiles and anti ship missiles.
  • Each vertical launch tube of the 64VLS is 16 meters long and can be installed with one to eight missiles. The total number of missiles installed will be 128.
  • The surface to air missiles will be HongQi-10.
  • The anti ship missiles will be better than YJ-83 and YJ-62.
  • WHH004 launch device for new anti-submarine and anti-warship torpedoes.
  • Type 1130 11-barrel CIWS with the rate of fire exceeding 10,000 rounds per minute.
  • There will be two new-type anti-submarine helicopters on the destroyer.

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Dude how did you even know? For a 2013 prediction this is most precise.
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