Really AdvancedA corner of a 055's combat information center.
Really AdvancedA corner of a 055's combat information center.
Type 055 #8 in trial:
View attachment 79944
Type 055 #8 in trial:
View attachment 79944
I checked the source where I saw this pic. And yes, the post was locked.
I realized it’s a super-frigate as well as super-destroyer, it’s the pinnacle of the current generation of warships, it can do almost everything superbly, and we are still yet to see how it commands drones.
The ship has some impressive aerials, if it can receive signals from Chinas newly revealed “Earth Radio System”, then then its a new game that only China is playing, see here:
If Chinas submarines and warships are now just milliseconds away from central command then we can imagine the levels of coordination and the AI assisted decision making that is possible.
We are very close to a network that is awesome.