Correct, I said it. And it is. A separate gas injection system that no other ship VLS setup uses or needs is definitely an inefficient use of space compared to the others.
So you are admitting that it was basically a straw man argument.
Neither of us made this claim. You are the only one making this claim. The inefficiency myself and bltizo have been talking about this entire thread is in regards to internal volume, which this setup requires more of, not in regards to some kind of physical distance of the gas system from the missile system resulting in some kind of inefficiency. Get a clue! Seriously I cannot tell if you are actually this slow or you are just trying to troll me for fun. Did you not read any of the other posts between myself and bltizo or are you just skipping to my posts so you can find material to try and flame with?
Your own words, sure not about location at all.
"then most definitely there is much greater space inefficiency since the Mark 41 does not require such a separate system, and neither for that matter does the 052C's cold launch system, since IIRC its gas injection system is located at the center of each 'cylinder'. "
Neither of us made this claim. You are the only one making this claim. Totoro mentioned this setup as a POTENTIAL candidate system in the 055 because he likes the idea of a separate gas system. I responded that this was not a good idea for the 055 (or for any ship for that matter) because it would be an inefficient use of space. After that, you barged in like a bull in a china shop.
Where did he say that it was a potential candidate system on the type 055 and that he wants it on there? It is purely your assertion. Besides I don't think he gets to decide what the potential candidate systems are on the 055, no offense to him.
I think it's obvious by now that the only one with flawed logic here is yourself. Please have the decency and maturity to admit so.
You are the one making all these claims without proof, you don't even provide any evidence so who needs to be mature here?
I think a person of at least average intelligence would find it reasonable to conclude that his mention of this potential system in the 055 DDG thread is evidence of his desire to see this system in the 055. I don't think you want me to speak for your level of brainpower, but I know at least that bltizo has come to the same conclusion about totoro's comments that I did. Again, here is what he said:
He was referring to ships in general, please learn some basic English.
I suppose you think that when he said "may be used on ship launchers as well" earlier in this 055 thread, he was actually referring to the Kolkata class ship. Or maybe the Daring class. lol
lol no I have never said that, just one more baseless assertion.
They are definitely slanted. The front 6x6 section is slanted 3 to port and 3 to starboard. The rear 2x6 section is slanted one each to port and starboard. And the fact that they are slanted is a big testament to the concern the PLAN and earlier the Russian navy had for the reliability of its S-300 and HQ-9 missile motors, since slanting in this manner essentially obligates the launched missile to targets only in its own half of the battlespace, and is therefore not truly a 360 degree VLS.
Care to back it up with facts? or is it your pattern of making groundless claims.