Your original problem was NOT with the folding fins concept, it was a lack of understanding of what the rest of us were talking about, into which you attempted to interject your "squared" "circle" misconceptions. We have been talking about the THEORETICAL diameter limits of a folded and dual-packed missile inside the confines of an 85cm UVLS cell. The theoretical limit turns out to be about 45cm diameter once you account for the fins and the spacers between the missile and the VL cell wall. Since we have been talking about the theoretical mathematical limits of circles inside squares divided by a diagonal, no "sources" are required AT ALL. Again, this was not your original objection anyway, only your LATEST objection after you realized how wrong you originally were.Why can't it have other purposes such as easier removal/replacement/storage?
Just saying someone gets it does not mean that someone agrees with me, since I am not developing a theory just asking questions. You can't agree with questions. You can understand the questions. Jura understands my questions because he at least attempted to address it.
If anything, try provide sources for the assumptions I raised in #4861 for the dual-loading-folded-fin scenario to work. I raised these as assumptions and questions looking for sources, if someone does not agree with me he/she should provide sources to prove me wrong.