054B/new generation frigate


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The primary threat to the PLAN is the USN submarine force and the next gen frigate would, before anything else, be designed as an anti-submarine frigate. However, the LRASM and F-35 are also a serious threat to PLAN's surface assets, as will the USMC be after reorganizing itself as a sea-denial force and introducing new missiles that can be deployed by small teams in the first and second island chains and all around the Pacific in very large numbers.

This means the PLAN requires not just an advanced ASW frigate, but also a ship similar to the Japanese Akizuki class frigates, which is optimized for defence against mass attacks by extremely stealthy, low flying cruise missiles at medium to close ranges. The 052D is not quite suited for such a role. They need a ship which is cheaper and can carry quad-packable missiles and has tall, mast-mounted fire-control radars.

It is possible for the 054A successor to fulfil both roles. It is also possible for the ship, using CEC, to act as the shooter of long range SAMs which are then guided by other assets like 055s, 052Ds, naval AEW planes and even carrier borne fighters. This requires it to have the same VLS as the 055 and the 052D.

I mean isn't it exactly the role of the 052D and its eventual successors? Its a small DDG that works together with big ones to provide overlapping cover, while also being able to lead small task forces.


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Before we begin the conversation about what the next PLAN Frigate/Destroyer will be, we need to understand what role this vessel will play in an ocean-going fleet? Will it be a general purpose vessel, or will it focus on ASW? ASW is an identified area for development by the PLAN. We should expect the PLAN to be focused on addressing this area. If they do, we should expect that the next fleet-capable ship to have a focus on ASW, rather than being a very useful but broad spectrum support vessel. If it does, we should expect it to be able to hangar two Z-20s, and have the full suite of ASW weapons and sensors. While vessels around 4000 tonnes can hangar 2 x medium sized helicopters (such as the old FFG7 Oliver Hazzard Perry Frigates at c. 4200 tonnes), they do not have the full ASW capability. At a minimum we should expect the next major surface combatant to be at c.5000 tonnes or greater. Remembering the adage that "steel is cheap and air is free", additional tonnage is not really a cost imperative, dependant upon sensor fit.


Registered Member
Before we begin the conversation about what the next PLAN Frigate/Destroyer will be, we need to understand what role this vessel will play in an ocean-going fleet? Will it be a general purpose vessel, or will it focus on ASW? ASW is an identified area for development by the PLAN. We should expect the PLAN to be focused on addressing this area. If they do, we should expect that the next fleet-capable ship to have a focus on ASW, rather than being a very useful but broad spectrum support vessel. If it does, we should expect it to be able to hangar two Z-20s, and have the full suite of ASW weapons and sensors. While vessels around 4000 tonnes can hangar 2 x medium sized helicopters (such as the old FFG7 Oliver Hazzard Perry Frigates at c. 4200 tonnes), they do not have the full ASW capability. At a minimum we should expect the next major surface combatant to be at c.5000 tonnes or greater. Remembering the adage that "steel is cheap and air is free", additional tonnage is not really a cost imperative, dependant upon sensor fit.

This kind of question is better answered when we finally get pictures of the ship. I do hope and sure it should be common sense, that the helo deck should be long enough for the Z-20 naval helicopter. Now its a question if they want to put one or two.

Anyway, I noticed Icloo posted this in the PDF, although he's also a member in the SDF, probably forgot to post here too.

Screenshot 2020-06-22 at 1.51.13 PM - Edited.png

No surprise that the new 054A++ frigates are going to be made in Guangzhou Huangpu, with HDZ tied up with the 075, the Thai 071E and the Pakistan 054A/P projects.

During the height of Type 054A and 056 construction, we used to have a ton of pictures coming from these shipyards. They also made the new ELINT ships (Type 815G?), the new blue water tugboat, and that SWATH SURTASS ships. They have been making 054A derived cutters for the CCG. Their CCG contracts may have done at this point.


Given the size of these sheds, I don't expect the new 054A to fall far from the tree. Might be interesting to see if there is any length extension on the helicopter deck for larger helicopters.


Registered Member
It looks like they will be cranking out type 054 variants here soon.

Sorry that's an old pic, I use it only to explain that the paparazzi need to pay attention to this shipyard once again to catch the new 054A variants there.


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Question for the more knowledgeable:
What would the advantage/disadvantage be of 2-face w/ mechanical rotation vs 4-face radar?

If I understand correctly, 4 face radar would give full 360 search coverage with less latency, which could be important against new generation of supersonic AShM.

However, it looks like you can have larger array with 2 face which might give longer range which could mitigate the latency?