054B/new generation frigate


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Similar rumours floated around some time ago for the 055. Later it turned out to be a COGAG powered platform.

IEPS was never seriously considered for the 055, and the popular consensus was on conventional propulsion from the beginning. It was only ever acknowledged to be a distinct possibility for the next variant, the 055A or whatever it will eventually be called.

On the other hand, I've only heard about IEPS for the 054B until now, since 2 years ago. There was literally zero discussion about conventional propulsion the entire time. So what changed?


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Similar rumours floated around some time ago for the 055. Later it turned out to be a COGAG powered platform.

as Higgle mentioned, 055 for most of its duration before it was revealed was spoken about in terms of COGAG. IEPS for 055 was mentioned for a follow on variant to the initial 055, tentatively dubbed as 055A.

OTOH, for 054B/057/future frigate it has been pretty consistent for years now that it would feature some improvement in propulsion mostly in the form of IEPS, but others like CODLAG have been mentioned too. But mostly it's been IEPS for 054B/057/future frigate


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If new frigate gets a 1GT + 2D configuration like Fremm or Sachsen class, it likely gets a new designation like 057.

Its only one GT short of the 052.

There are modern frigates that have 2GT+2D configuration like 052X, including Admiral Grigorovich, Admiral Gorshkov, Navantia F100-F110 class, De Seven Provincien class. If you build a cheaper frigate out of the 052X platform, will you still call it a Type 052X?

Grigorovich is COGAG as all the rest of 11356. Russian 20380/20385 are all Diesel, but they are rather small ships of 2500 tons. The 4500 ton 20386 will switch to GT IEPS.


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4500 ton ?!?

It looks like it may displace that much. And its still being referred to as a corvette. Note this baby doesn't have hangers. Instead, an elevator takes down the helicopters below deck.

unnamed (6).jpg


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It looks like it may displace that much. And its still being referred to as a corvette. Note this baby doesn't have hangers. Instead, an elevator takes down the helicopters below deck.

View attachment 60203
Still though, its supposed to have only 16 redut vls cells and 8 anti shippers(slant launchers, not uksk). It'll be very unlike russians of today to dispense 4500 tons of metal for just that much of armament (considering they've been putting uksk launchers on tiny boats like buyan m).
Also the designation as 20386 makes it from the family of 20380 class corvettes, so the size wouldn't really grow to 200% of original.


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It looks like the speculation is going on overdrive. That said the ship looks great and does confirm with the recent Chinese design elements found on type 052D and type 055 DDGs.

here are the pics by the way.

View attachment 60215

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It's utterly ridiculous and irresponsible of the website to describe these as "China’s next-generation frigate images".

These images are non-official fan made CGIs. They are good quality CGIs of course, but they most certainly are not official.

I'm also rather confused at how blatant this website seems to be emulating the aesthetic, design and even name of Xavier's much more competent and credible Naval News.com website (as opposed to Naval News.net). I'm not sure which one came first, but the fact that Naval News.net has chosen to share these pictures with the implication that they are somehow "official" is rather disappointing.