The rumor about 054B was around for very long but I think around the end of 2018 (or earlier 2019? Can't remember) A bunch of people said the program's been cancelled. I believe the new frigate we'll see is no longer the XX4B labeled in this picture.
The new ship will be larger, but most importantly, faster, and it's impossible to do that with all diesel power. The new ship is going to use a new engine system, and accidentally or not, PLAN's warships under the same class all use the same power solution (steam for 051/051B/051C, CODOG for 052/B/C/D, 2+2 diesel (different types) for 053 variants, 4 * 16PA6 diesel for 054/A, COGAG for 055, 2 PA6 diesel for 056/A). Thus I think the new frigate will be called 057...
But personally I don't really care what it's called, as long as it gets the job done...
If new frigate gets a 1GT + 2D configuration like Fremm or Sachsen class, it likely gets a new designation like 057.
Its only one GT short of the 052.
There are modern frigates that have 2GT+2D configuration like 052X, including Admiral Grigorovich, Admiral Gorshkov, Navantia F100-F110 class, De Seven Provincien class. If you build a cheaper frigate out of the 052X platform, will you still call it a Type 052X?
On the other hand, there is a
large frigate that use only, all four diesel engines, and this is a front line, battle frigate. This is the Danish Iver Huitfeldt class, whose displacement on full is about over 6,600 tons. This baby is armed to the hilt, 32 Mk.41 VLS plus 2 Mk.56 VLS for ESSM, room enough for up to 16 Harpoons, and 2 x 76mm Oto guns to boot. Its got a SMART L radar and a set of Thales APAR. All the bang is achieved with a remarkable low price of $325 million a ship, although they recycled parts from decommissioned ships to help reach that. The design is now the basis for the Royal Navy's Type 31 frigate.
I don't care about what engine configuration it will use, whether it will be 1GT + 2D, or 4D, just saying four diesel engines is still relevant, plus every ship that requires less GT, means one more GT that can be used to build a Type 055.
Iver Huitfeldt class is powered by four 8.2MW MTU diesels.