Could 054B go for a AEGIS like set up with 3 fixed AESA instead? AESA radar has become so cheap that even civilians are using it. May as well go all out?
No. Three is something that sounds like you're cutting corners. Far more likely they will go with four fixed panels.
I wouldn't put it like that.
Three fixed arrays is perfectly reasonable; on the Constellation class it has three reduced size SPY-6 arrays for its radar set up mounted above the deck house (but not on a mast).
In the case of 054B, the reason it will have a two array radar isn't because it's cheaper than a three array setup, rather it's because of the balance between array size, radar height, and array number.
On any given hullform, assuming money and technology isn't a limiting factor, you can only really choose two of those three things to prioritize:
- Greater array size means each array has greater power
- Higher radar height means longer radar horizon, meaning you can pick up low altitude and surface targets at longer distances
- Greater array number means you have higher refresh rates (or if you have fixed arrays, you don't need mechanical rotation for refresh)
In the case of 054B, we expect them to use the dual array mast mounted, fast rotating AESA setup:
That suggests to me, of the three characteristics from above, they chose to prioritize: greater array size (greater power), and higher radar height (longer radar horizon).
In theory, the radar is "only" two faced, but it should be on a fast rotating mount, meaning that it should have very rapid refresh rates. The overall configuration of the radar is not dissimilar to the UK SAMPSON radar on Type 45.
If on 054B they wanted to have three fixed arrays instead of two, then they have to give up one of the two other characteristics.
- They can either reduce each array's size while keeping it at the same radar height on the mast, producing a three array fixed mast mounted configuration but each array is smaller than the two array configuration
- Or, they can reduce the radar height from the mast lower to the deckhouse, producing a three array fixed deckhouse mounted configuration where each array is the same size as it was in the two array configuration, but mounted much lower on the ship thus reducing radar horizon
(and it goes without saying if they went for a four fixed array configuration, then those aforementioned factors would need to be even more diminished)
Personally, I think their current configuration of a mast mounted, large two array rotating option, is perfectly fine.