For the PLAN, with the introduction of 054B, what is likely is that future medium destroyer classes (i.e.: which the 052C/D currently sit in), will likely see an increase in displacement correspondingly to perhaps 8,000-9,000t maximum displacement, where the extra tonnage will primarily be used for the same additions we expect for 054B (sensors, networking, propulsion, combat management, future proofing, crew comfort etc).
The trend of modern ships needing more tonnage for sensors and networking rather than weapons alone, is something that's been obvious for a while. Consider how Flight III Burke displaces basically the same as a Ticonderoga, yet the Ticonderoga has a larger VLS count of 122 (while also having 8 harpoons and an extra 127mm gun), and the Burke only has 96 VLS. That extra displacement for the Flight III Burke is going somewhere useful and essential -- it's primarily for more capable sensors and onboard processing/back end.