054/A FFG Thread II


Registered Member
Correction made.

Also, Big Bun CG on Weibo has made the CGI model of said 6th batch of 054AGs, according to the aforementioned information.

View attachment 133551
View attachment 133552

Apart from Hudong-Zhonghua, at least one 054AG FFG with the aforementioned upgrades is currently being constructed at Huangpu-Wenchong. The 054B FFG and (likely) one 054-mod cutter are seen moored right beside (or directly behind, based on the photographer's POV) it.

Posted by @琴石2022 on Weibo.

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so, it seems China will continue build 054AG together with new 054B ... thats interesting

So there will be 50 054A/AG and wondering how many 054B will be built total, I think unlikely to get to 50
Very hard to say, old ships will be retired while new ships are being built. There are still some old type 053 in service, and the 2 type 054 probably will be retired soon after 2035. Eventually all variants of type 054A will be replaced by type 054B, and probably also by another new variant or new class of frigates.

If PLAN aimed to have 60 to 70 frigates after 2030, we might see sum total of different variants of type 054B exceeding total number of type 054A built. I expect type 054B will be built for a period of 15 to 20 years before a new class emerge for mass construction.

And changes in political tension and possible conflict or war will affect PLAN's decision on the number of ships to be built. IF China-US relations becomes friendly again, the construction rates will be reduced but we won't likely able to see that in next 5 to 10 years.


Junior Member
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If I could wager a guess, I think that PLAN is currently aiming at a force of around 60 modern frigates overall.

Given a standard service life of around 35 years, the first 054As would be coming up for replacement in the 2040 timeframe. More telling would be whether the hulls start getting MLUs from 2030 onwards, and if the 053s that got a limited MLU some years ago will start getting replaced too at around that time.


Registered Member
If I could wager a guess, I think that PLAN is currently aiming at a force of around 60 modern frigates overall.

Given a standard service life of around 35 years, the first 054As would be coming up for replacement in the 2040 timeframe. More telling would be whether the hulls start getting MLUs from 2030 onwards, and if the 053s that got a limited MLU some years ago will start getting replaced too at around that time.
Right now, given the visible rate if ship construction, I'd say that graph will lead us to a balance number easily over 100 active hulls, and that's without light frigates.

Current green water force already crossed 50 hulls(adding updated non-air warfare destroyers), so current orders alone will throw it over 60 within a couple of years from now.


Junior Member
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Right now, given the visible rate if ship construction, I'd say that graph will lead us to a balance number easily over 100 active hulls, and that's without light frigates.
I don't expect that at all personally.
Let's see how this unfolds.


Registered Member
There is no sense in building more of these frigates with obsolete systems.

Radar and SAM are derived from 40 year old Soviet technology.

No AESA+quadpacking SAM while the 1st Islandchain gets littered with remote controlled AShM launchers and soon AShBM doesn't bode well for the backbone of the PLAN.


New Member
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There is no sense in building more of these frigates with obsolete systems.

Radar and SAM are derived from 40 year old Soviet technology.

No AESA+quadpacking SAM while the 1st Islandchain gets littered with remote controlled AShM launchers and soon AShBM doesn't bode well for the backbone of the PLAN.
The newest variants have an AESA X-band horizon search radar if the rumors are true. And the HQ-16 does have variants capable of intercepting TBMs, though whether they can be navalised and integrated with the 54A remains to be seen. The primary threat are NSMs which are not going to be flying high enough for anything but horizon search anyways. Would not consider them survivable but they are not defenceless.


New Member
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There is no sense in building more of these frigates with obsolete systems.

Radar and SAM are derived from 40 year old Soviet technology.

No AESA+quadpacking SAM while the 1st Islandchain gets littered with remote controlled AShM launchers and soon AShBM doesn't bode well for the backbone of the PLAN.
Neither Radar nor SAM is derived from Soviet technology at all. Radar is well, obviously a new Chinese AESA design that has nothing to do with Russia. SAM is also when it comes to sensors, electronics, data fusion and networking is much improved that only the shell is a former soviet design.