The latest fire control radar for the 054A may be the X/Ku band radar.
The strange thing is that China has adopted the new aesa fire control radar for its own use, but does not use the SR2410C as a search radar.
Pakistan uses the R2410C as a search radar. But there is no new aesa fire control radar. Maybe the hq-16 used by Pakistan is not the latest version used by China.
Considering that the illumination distance of MR90 is 45km, and the illumination distance of the new X band radar is 70 km.
Pakistan may use the HQ-16 with a range of 40km, while the new 054a uses the HQ-16C with a range of 70km that appeared at the Zhuhai Air Show.
The new AESA fire control radar for the HHQ-16 on the new Type 054A may not be approved for export yet which is why you don't see it on the Type 054AP. It's not the same X/Ku band radar shown here which swivels on its axis and there is one of it while the AESA fire control radars are fixed and there are four of them. More over, the X/Ku band is intended as a gun and CIWS fire control radar, not a missile target illuminator. The Type 347G uses X and Ku band, so it was easy to spot this new radar as it's intended replacement. On the Type 054A, a Type 347G sits on top of the bridge superstructure acting as a fire control for the main gun, but there are also two other Type 347G, and these are the ones fixed on the Type 730/1130 CIWS housing.
It's possible that the combination of SR2410C and the 4 new target illuminators could be too expensive for the budget if both are used on the same ship. I suppose that PLAN also meant to have the new dual sided AESA as the replacement for the Type 382 search radar and the new target illuminators are meant to work with it as you see on the test ship. But it turned out to be too expensive to use that radar with the new illuminators, driving the cost to over budget and so the latest 054A kept the old Type 382 instead.