DK-10A aka SD-50 has 50km range in its spec sheet. It weighs about 350kg, or half the HQ-16. The use of the expanded booster which also increased the diameter from .20m to .26m, also raised the weight of the SD-10A missile from 200kg to 350kg.
In any case, even if the HQ-16 missile itself can fly well over 100km in ballistic test flight mode, the MR90 Orekh radars only have a maximum range of 74km.
They cannot light targets further.
Another issue is that they don't seem to have some kind of data link (or at least the Russian Buk doesn't have it; who knows what the Chinese version has) to can guide the missile for mid phase guidance control from the surface. Rather, it relies on the FCR to intermittently shine the target, as it homes on the target rather directly, then the illumination becomes continuous when the missile is at terminal stage. As so it does not take the most optimally fuel efficient flight trajectory, but homes in on its target on the straightest way possible.
To eliminate these, the missile needs to develop mid phase command guidance + terminal active guidance.