054/A FFG Thread II


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I heard rumors about 054B and 054C

Any developments on that?
when we see them appear, we will know. there is no point thinking about ships that are not here yet when they are building so many ships right now.

also new pictures of 054A from HD that's being fitted out right now.


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Banned Idiot
I heard rumors about 054B and 054C

Any developments on that?

I doubt there will be any B or C in the near future since the 054 design had already been really radical and modern for the Chinese navy.

The only two possibilities are increase in size and advancements in blocs similar to the consistent gradual improvements in F16s.

They probably will just build bigger ships with the same basic principal design and put in bigger radars along with bigger computers.


Banned Idiot
Just a quick question, how long does it usually take the Chinese to build frigates and destroyers from the first day when first steel plate is cut to main hull released into water for further installations?? Judging based on their paces for current 054 and destroyers...


VIP Professional
I doubt there will be any B or C in the near future since the 054 design had already been really radical and modern for the Chinese navy.

The only two possibilities are increase in size and advancements in blocs similar to the consistent gradual improvements in F16s.

They probably will just build bigger ships with the same basic principal design and put in bigger radars along with bigger computers.

Those kind of changes you mention usually mean a letter change. If its really a big change, then its a number change, like 055.


Lieutenant General
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There was a recent segment on CCTV regarding 054A, I guess it's just covering ships that are sent to Somalia. Anyways, so they had a bunch of nice photos of the interior, top view, construction and torpedoes of 054A. I didn't attach any construction photos, since you guys already saw them before, but the following photos are pretty I think. This is the text for the report.
  目送新型战舰远征重洋,负责监造“黄山舰”的驻广州某军代表室总代表俞国庆的自豪感油然而生。新型战舰溶进了他的智慧、心血和汗水。担任总代表6年来,他先后完成了多项新型战舰的研制监造任务,向部队交付20 艘“精品战舰”,分别获得国家科技进步一等奖、重大武器装备型号金奖和银奖。所在军代表室也被评为全军质量监督先进单位、海军新装备建设研制先进单位,并荣立集体三等功。
  监造“精品战舰 ”,必须实施“精细监督”。俞国庆提出实行“舱室责任人制”和“首诊负责制”。以往设计人员采用传统的“手工放样”,现场施工误差大,舱室管路、电缆缠绕 “打架”,安装各种设备时经常修改,窝工、返工。工厂按照俞国庆建议,采用计算机“三维放样”的新技术,将设计误差控制在几个毫米以内。船体焊接过去都用 “割枪”,切面毛糙不齐,焊接不实,隐藏气泡,外观也不好看。俞国庆力促工厂投资上千万元,购置水下等离子切割机,由电脑控制全自动切割出来的船体钢板,整齐美观。
some notes from this:
- In the past 6 years, HP shipyard has produced 20+ naval ships. I'm guessing the 4 054 series ships + around 20 022s. There are also tugboats, not sure if those are included.
- They strive to build 054A according to airplane standard (whatever that means). It says the passing rate of welding of hull plates is 88% for commercial ship. And the passing rate for 054A is 95%. I don't think I'm getting the whole gist here, but basically it's along this line.
- It talks about using computer program to do ship design and buying precise cutting tools to do automated cutting of steel.
- For a new fast attack ship (I'm presuming 022), it had to use all new material. It talked about the amount of investment the shipyard made to ensure production quality, like importing 100+ of the world's most advanced welding machines. And It passed all the quality standard, had the best passing grade for welding or something like that.
- a bunch of more stuff on quality assurance, about how one of the frigate had something on the front deck damaged during a high sea level in Indian Ocean and then they came back and figured out new design idea to ensure this won't happen again.
- it even talked about waste disposal on the ship
- and that when 530 came back for regular maintenance after 1 year, the navy was really thankful of the ship
- and the entire training lessons were finished in the same year that the ship was commissioned.


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Lieutenant General
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a little more, the 3rd 054As from HD shipyard's photos.


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VIP Professional
I like the interior construction photos where everyone is wearing hard hats. In the past some PLA/PLAN heavy construction photos showed workers without hard hats and uniforms. I think seeing everyone in hard hats, overalls, and what it appears to be hard shoes is one basic indication on improvement in strict workplace safety standards at the shipyard.


Banned Idiot
at last the interiors look modern and clean cut, no longer the old soviet style interiors where everything are exposed and ready to hit someone in the face