I have argued before that China should not invest in a Type 054B platform and it is far better for them to build a few additional Type 054A's and then go on to build improved versions of the Type 052C's and the larger 9000 to 10000 ton cruisers/destroyers.
And also remenber that China's defense budget will keep growing in the years to come as well.
I agree with what your wrote for a minimum. So the eight Type 052Ds is a good number...but I think they will, in the next 6 1/2 to 7 years, build more Type 052Ds and I believe they will standardize on that design like they have done thus far with the Type 054A. So I believe that a total of twelve of them is a very real possibility for the 2020+ time frame.
I also expect, given the age of the older FFGs and their older systems, that we will see the Type 053 continue building. They have 19 going in just 2-3 years. I expect over the next 6 1/2 to 7 to see them at least double that number...so I will call it 40.
Finally, will there be a Type 054B? We simply do not know yet. We know that there will be at least 18 Type 054A, and probably 20...though we are not for sure yet whether the last two are in fact Type 054As. They may well turn out to be Type 054Bs at this point. If they do, then we can expect more of them to be built in the next 6 1/2 to 7 years for sure. Perhaps up to 12 if these first two really represent Type 054Bs.
I also expect, that by 2020 most all of the older DDGs and FFGs will be gone.
So, given all of this, in my mind, the number of major surface combatants (I do not include the Type 022s in my numbers) becomes:
12 Type 052D DDG
06 Type 052C DDG
02 Type 052 DDG
02 Type 052B DDG
02 Type 051C DDG
04 Sovremenny DDG
12 Type 054B FFG
18 Type 054A FFG
02 Type 054 FFG
40 Type 056 Corvettes
That's a total of 100 Major Surface Action combatants.
Add to this:
01 Liaoning CV
03 + 1 more Type 071 LPD
20 Type 072 LST
You end up with 125 Major surface vessels...not counting replensihment and logistical vessels necessary to support them.
And we cannot forget the submarine fleet. Of major consequence are the newer SSks and the SSNs. The SSBNs count in there too, but we should remember that they are dedicated strategic assets and would not factor into a tactical operational consideration. By 2020, as I indicated earlier, I expect the following:
06 Type 094 SSBN
06 Type 093 SSN
02 Type 095 SSN
12 Yuan Class SSK
12 Song Class SSK
12 Kilo Class SSK
That totals 50 submarines of various types.
Add that to the 125 and your get 175 vessels.
That is a very appreciable and very realizable number. Time will tell what it actually becomes.
I must note, that if they start a new carrier this year or next (possible, particularly if it is an indegenous variety similar to the Lioaning), then you could have a second carrier ready in the 2020 time frame.