Correct, I found a more detailed listing so its weapons load out is:Apparently, it only has 8 VLS cells, not 24 or 32. That is a major disadvantage compared to the 32 cells of the Type 054A. Some advantages I see is the APARs and the integrated mast which will be more stealthy than the semi-stealthy mast of the Type 054A.
Correct, I found a more detailed listing so its weapons load out is:
A forward 76mm main gun, forward 8 Mk-41 VLS with 32 Evolved Sea Sparrow Missles, 8 cannister SSMs (Harpoons or equivalent), aft 20mm Phalanx CIWS, two aft 30mm auto-cannons, mid-size helo pad and hanger.
I do not believe that 32 ESSMs with its APARs gives away anything in air defense to the Type 054A.
Anyhow, it's a decent multi-role frigate and will probably be relatively cheap compared to the FREMM or anything similar. Good move by the Thais.
Correct, I found a more detailed listing so its weapons load out is:
A forward 76mm main gun, forward 8 Mk-41 VLS with 32 Evolved Sea Sparrow Missles, 8 cannister SSMs (Harpoons or equivalent), aft 20mm Phalanx CIWS, two aft 30mm auto-cannons, mid-size helo pad and hanger.
I do not believe that 32 ESSMs with its APARs gives away anything in air defense to the Type 054A.
Anyhow, it's a decent multi-role frigate and will probably be relatively cheap compared to the FREMM or anything similar. Good move by the Thais.
Here's what that Frigate, called the DW 3000H Stealth Frigate, looks like:
A forward 76mm main gun, forward 8 Mk-41 VLS with 32 Evolved Sea Sparrow Missles, 8 cannister SSMs (Harpoon or equivalent), aft 20mm Phalanx CIWS, two aft 30mm auto-cannons, mid-size helo pad and hanger. Very similar lay-out and configuration to Type 054A, but a western design and more modern stealth features. Apparently they will build two of them.
1st...that frigate carries a helo, and you can bet that it has sensors that can give targeting information to the vessel, and/or the missiles.Is there a Western equivalent of the Band Stand? or a combination of sensors that allows ship to do OTH targeting of SSM? if not, how arethe small navies that doesn't have USN's MPA and AWACS support suppose to us their Harpoons beyond horizon range?
With such a "clean" design the 054A seems so yesterday...thing is such design features isn't that out of reach of Chinese shipbuilding, but why it still not incorporated in the new designs?
With such a "clean" design the 054A seems so yesterday...thing is such design features isn't that out of reach of Chinese shipbuilding, but why it still not incorporated in the new designs?
Aside from the integrated mast(Which china developing and it's gonna be expensive) , I really don't see any dramatic difference. It looks more like Thailand is given a choice of having cleaner ships and better sensor or having a busier ship with heavier armaments and chose the former.
Korean Light Frigate
Chinese Light Frigate 1
Chinese Light Frigate 2
Type 054A
Interestingly, Korea's own newly commissioned Incheon Class Frigate uses a far more conservative layout.