asif iqbal
Lieutenant General
well its been a pretty good run for the Type 054A FFG, if they indeed build 20 units that will equal the French La Fayette Class FFG programme
It is certainly beyond dispute that HP 8 YUEYANG 575 was one of the three 054A’s at Yulin for President Xi Jinping’s inspection (the others being YULIN 569 and HENGSHUI 572). I have seen a report that may be construed as HD 7 WEIFANG 550 being commissioned, but I find that doubtful.
HP 8 was launched 9 May 2012, so a 11-month fitting-out period would conform to the normal pattern. HD 7 was launched 9 July 2012 and would only be expected to be completed in June-July.
S Korea to build Thai navy frigate
The Royal Thai Navy has chosen a South Korean naval ship manufacturer to build a new frigate that will cost about 13 billion baht.
An RTN selection committee announced on Friday it had chosen Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering to manufacture the frigate, a navy source said.
The company was one of the last two South Korean firms to enter the final round of the bid organised by the RTN panel.
The other three foreign firms ousted from the previous rounds were from Spain, Italy and China.
Here's what that Frigate, called the DW 3000H Stealth Frigate, looks like:
Here's what that Frigate, called the DW 3000H Stealth Frigate, looks like:
A forward main gun, forward 24 or 32 cell Mk-41 VLS, 8 cannister SSMs, aft 20mm Phalanx CIWS, mid-size helo pad and hanger. Very similar configuration to Type 054A, but a western design and more modern stealth design. Apparently they will build two of them.