I had not seen either of these. Is there a link or can you provide a pic?
I have heard that the 1st Dalian Type 052D has started...but have not even seen a pic of that yet.
So, I am inclined to wait before I say that the 9th and 10th Type 052Ds have started.
I have no doubts that they will, mind you. I expect the very minimum we will see is twelve altogether...and expect it really to be more like eighteen or more.
We've had pictures of DL's first 052D for months now...
Although we have yet to see modules for JN's 9th 052D or DL's 2nd 052D.
I think the summary for 052D goes like this:
JN: hull 1 in service, hulls 2, 3, 4, 5 in sea trial, hull 6 fitting out, hull 7 under construction in building hall/likely near launch, hull 8 modules seen
DL: hull 1 under construction (visible and a little behind JN hull 7 in terms of launch date), hull 2 modules are expected but yet to be identified
I'm not sure if we'll see a hull 9 out of JN, and as far as I know modules have not been fully confirmed