052C/052D Class Destroyers


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It is possible to make a CODOG ship larger than the 052D with the new engines. I already discussed this here before.
You would use the CS16V27 diesel (you could even use a 20 cylinder variant) and the GT-2500IC gas turbine.
055 cost 0.85 billion USD, 112 UVLS, COGAG
052D cost 0.5 billion USD, 64 UVLS, CODOG

Still there's the question, how can you guarantee that it is more efficient than 055? What's the point to build mini 055?
The reason 052D kept producing is because PLAN is urgent expanding its navy.


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You would share some commonality in engine technology with the latest frigates which would simplify logistics. And it should have better fuel efficiency than the Type 055 because of the diesel engines.


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You would share some commonality in engine technology with the latest frigates which would simplify logistics. And it should have better fuel efficiency than the Type 055 because of the diesel engines.
The future belongs to the hull of 054B, if it really comes to economy. CODAG + 054B hull sounds more promising.

I would rather combine 054A and 052D than mixing 052D and 055.


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I think all the next generation major combatants will become larger. To increase tonnage to be more competitive against the US Navy. Frigates, destroyers, carriers, etc.
You are right about that, 055 replaces 052D, and 054B/05X replaces 054A.

7500 -> 13000
4000 -> 6000

The ture successor of 052D is simply 055.


Registered Member
I think 054A is fine as is. Any tonnage increase is justified by changing mission profile. 054A for first and second island chain. 054B for when China needs to regularly present in places far away. I think 054B is still a little too early given Chinese position in geopolitics.


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Well it matters. Ever heard of computing salvos?

It does matter, but it's far from the only thing that matters.

I agree that the disproportionate focus on VLS count does not reflect reality. However, I think people focus on it because it's a visually obvious indicator of capability, whereas sensors and datalinks and other internals are much more opaque.


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You are right about that, 055 replaces 052D, and 054B/05X replaces 054A.

7500 -> 13000
4000 -> 6000

The true successor of 052D is simply 055.
Maybe yes, maybe not.

The PLA navy currently has 5 different sized surface combatants starting from smallest to largest:
missile boats, corvettes, frigates, destroyers, and cruisers.
That's a lot to keep track of. I think in the future say, 15 years from now, as the PLA navy matures it will be more focused on longer blue water deployments. Missile boats and corvettes will either be completely retired or significantly reduced in numbers to the point that nobody is paying attention to them.
There's going to be consolidation down to 3 different sizes: frigates, destroyers, and cruisers.

I think a 9,000 ton replacement for the Type 052D makes sense. So there will ultimately be:
6,000 ton - frigate
9,000 ton - destroyer
13,000 ton - cruiser
However like I said before this is "in the future", between now and then the Type 052D has an important job to play.