052C/052D Class Destroyers


Lieutenant General
Registered Member


So the PLANavy account on Facebook is not good source ?

It's unlikely to be a good source. Chances are the account was set up by David Axe in cooperation with Pinkov. LOL.

FYI, that photo first appeared in a CSSC (China State Shipbuilding Corporation) corporate report in the second quarter of last year, if I recall correctly.



IMO, they shouldn't even be building the last 052C.

Probably be a bigger waste to cancel in the midst of construction. Those hulls were launched fairly quickly and contracts for the armament and systems were probably already executed. Considering there are still active 051s (Ludas) on the roster, I rather have them finish this unit and have it replace a Luda than cancel.


Junior Member
While Facebook is blocked internally it does not prevent various China org like CCTV and their news agencies from using Facebook accounts to present their news to the world.


Junior Member
VIP Professional
Yep.......been expecting this....saw this photo too myself elsewhere...........would be good if someone could confirm launching date!
One strange thing is that......the vessel appears to of come out of the LH side of the twin shed at JN, yet the 052D's have been constructed in the RH shed.....has vessel been slid across outside, or is it me not viewing image rightly? ;)

We are viewing the picture correctly. Note the CSSC flag is correctly oriented and NOT reversed.


Junior Member
The person who posted the image on Facebook saying 6th 052D launched....has replied when challenged to his claim of said event, stated that he got his info from the 052D page at Wiki. Funny, coz at Wiki...all that is said is that the 6th 052D is due to be launched early 2015.........doh!........i think that answers that doesnt it?

Remember someone also filled in the data at Wiki saying the 5th 052C was commissioned on the 27th June 2014, almost 6 months prior to the ship actually being commissioned into the PLAN.

It seems that some naval enthusiasts are so keen for ships to join a fleet.... that they have their own personal commissioning ceremonies of vessels! ;)
A nice high resolution photo of D2 on sea trials. Note the exhaust nozzles are now painted black, as opposed to silver on the D1. ...

I know I've asked this before (maybe twice :) but can't they do something about these ugly "chimneys"? at least put some cover on ... just to remind you: the Aquitaine-class has a fancy system how to release "the smoke" just above sea-level and cooled