The following batch is from a port call in Hong Kong by DDG 171 (052C).
Oh I wish I was there!When did this happen?
Who's that girl on the bridge, you, by78? just kidding
... I have a lot more of these 'tourist' photos of 052C, but it's hard to find them from some 45,000 photos of PLA hardware on my drive.
Do you know if those "tourists" were for example shipyard's workers or family members of the crew (I mean somebody "trusted" ... after a careful background checkor if I came from Prague just like that, obviously a tourist in Shanghai, they would let me on board, too ?? I wouldn't fly there even if they did, don't worry, am just an armchair admiral LOL
Stunning and great Hi-res pics of the Type 052C and Type 052D. Keep 'em coming.Continued...