052/052B Class Destroyers


Banned Idiot
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

They are definitely two different pictures, not PS versions of the same picture.

The indicators are:
1. The waves are different
2. The flags are fluttering differently
3. Line up different features on the ship, for example the RAM missile launcher with the radome under it, or the bow turret with the front edge of the superstructure, and you see they line up differently in the two pictures, showing the pictures were taken from different angles.

But they are definitely two pictures of the same ship, and no great amount of time could have elapsed between the two pictures

The indicators are:
1. The stains/dishing on the hull side. They match exactly in the two pictures. No two ships will have the same stain and dishing.
2. The man standing in front of the bow turret. He hadn't moved much
3. The water discharge from the hull sides. They are almost the same, the ship is clearly doing the same thing between the two pictures.
4. The angle of the sun to the ship is the same.

If I were to guess, I would say these were part of a sequence taken over several minutes at most from a boat keeping station off starboard bow of the same destroyer.

I think the second picture, the one without the port background, has been manipulated in some way. I think the indicator is the show by the abrupt shade gradation zig zagging across the radome under the aft RAM launcher. This is absent from the 1st picture. I don't think it's a feature of the real thing. I think it is the artifact of someone playing with the contrast in the picture.
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re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

They are definitely two different pictures, not PS versions of the same picture.

The indicators are:
1. The waves are different
2. The flags are fluttering differently
3. Line up different features on the ship, for example the RAM missile launcher with the radome under it, or the bow turret with the front edge of the superstructure, and you see they line up differently in the two pictures, showing the pictures were taken from different angles.

But they are definitely two pictures of the same ship, and no great amount of time could have elapsed between the two pictures

The indicators are:
1. The stains/dishing on the hull side. They match exactly in the two pictures. No two ships will have the same stain and dishing.
2. The man standing in front of the bow turret. He hadn't moved much
3. The water discharge from the hull sides. They are almost the same, the ship is clearly doing the same thing between the two pictures.
4. The angle of the sun to the ship is the same.

If I were to guess, I would say these were part of a sequence taken over several minutes at most from a boat keeping station off starboard bow of the same destroyer.

I think the second picture, the one without the port background, has been manipulated in some way. I think the indicator is the show by the abrupt shade gradation zig zagging across the radome under the aft RAM launcher. This is absent from the 1st picture. I don't think it's a feature of the real thing. I think it is the artifact of someone playing with the contrast in the picture.

I concur so I retract my previous assesment.. same ship slightly different angle (but not much) taken minutes apart.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

I think the second picture, the one without the port background, has been manipulated in some way. I think the indicator is the show by the abrupt shade gradation zig zagging across the radome under the aft RAM launcher. This is absent from the 1st picture. I don't think it's a feature of the real thing. I think it is the artifact of someone playing with the contrast in the picture.
Good catch. I had not seen that, and I agree. That is clearly the mark of manipulation that was not "cleaned up."

No doubt now that there has been some change to that picture...but I cannot figure what for.

Also now no doubt in my mind that they are two different pictures of the same vessel during the same exercise simply taken at different times. That's D1 on her trials.


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

I don't think it's a feature of the real thing. I think it is the artifact of someone playing with the contrast in the picture.

Removal of watermarks
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Lieutenant General
Staff member
Super Moderator
Registered Member
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

Some nice CGIs of 052D


The CG shows a remote weapon station turret on the midsection of the hull, akin to 056. Obviously the artist has taken some liberties. But there have been rumours such a turret may be fitted (which would certainly not be illogical, given similar practice at other navies)


Some nice CG generated angles. Would be nice to get such angles in real life soon


Detail of the CG superstructure. Note the lack of OTH radar

Picture of 052D, 054A and liaoning, all looking to scale. The circles depict the anti air radii of each ship I think. They're understated a bit, as 054A's HHQ-16 has a slant range of 50km (with some sources listing 70km), and 052D's HHQ-9 anywhere between 120km-200km slant range. Although 600-800km CAP station radii sounds about right for J-15s flying off liaoning


VIP Professional
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

They probably cited missile range from export models.

LY-80 range vs aircraft is ~40 km & FD-2000 range vs aircraft is ~125 km. (zhuhai air show 2012?)


re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

Video: Changxing Jiangnan Shipyard & Its 052 C & D Destroyers


In China, it is a 7 day long Holidays-don't expect too many news this week


Junior Member
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

So it looks like the radome on top of the bridge will come back.

Also, the side guns haven't been mounted yet