re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer
I have been rethinking this assumption for a while now. The land-based version of the HQ-9 uses TVM and has a dedicated fire control radar, the C-band HT-233, paired with the Type 305B search radar. Yet when used in the naval role, all of a sudden it's ARH? I think we need to revisit the possibility that the Type 346 is a C-band or X-band AESA like the APAR system on the Zeven Provincien class "frigates".
Carlo Kopp, for example, thinks it is unlikely the HQ-9 is ARH:
There is not enough literature out there on naval HQ-9, unfortunately. However there has been semi consistent claims that SAPARS is S band, which led people to believe HHQ-9 must be ARH.
So it's a question of X band SAPARS vs SARH/TVM HHQ-9 (with consistent reports for the land based verison) or S band SAPARS (again, with consistent claims for its S band function) and ARH HHQ-9. It isn't out of the question for the naval SAM to utilize the same fuselage and motor but utilize different electronics.
Personally this would be one of the most exciting developments for the CCL, more than any other missile system IMO, VLA's or VL ASCM's. It would be a massive force multiplier for 054A's if it could be quad-packed into their hot launch VLS tubes.
Quad packable SAMs are definitely a highlight. This Sky dragon SAM/DK-10 looks like a fine missile, with its advantage lying in its guidance mode, compared to ESSM. The advantage of CCL also means a non regular number of cells can be fitted aboard smaller ships if need be, giving them some similar firepower that a larger ship may have.
Personally the most exciting prospect of the CCL VLS is that it allows the PLAN to finally focus on building a larger surface combatant with multiple roles as well as the prospect of carrying new types of munitions as they are developed.
Also, the potential for older surface combatants to be fit with numbers of VLS and loaded with LACMs to be used as missile trucks in a SAG is also an attractive prospect.