re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer
I originally thought it would be fairly easy to fit four PL 12 size in a quad pack also. But looking at the picture of allegedly SD10 based SAM model, the launch tube size look kind of big, much to my surprise. It would take some significant redesign to the misssile such as folding fins to make this idea work, if they are planning such a design. I still like the idea, though.
pl-12 could fit quad packed, for sure. In the medium sized container. Not in the smallest one, if it is true it is just 3,3 meters long. That leaves less than 3,3 meters for the missile itself, should be around 3,1 meters, if similar to sylver a35. Using the medium container, the 7 meter one, the length of pl-12 would not be a problem whatsoever. Width of a quad pack wouldn't be a problem neither, directly. Indirectly, though, if one chose to use a booster as well, since larger mass requires more rocket power which in turn requires more exhaust room - there just might be a problem. With folded fins we might be looking at between 0,5 by 0,5 and 0,6 by 0,6 meter quad pack. That may or may not be enough room for exhaust of one such booster lifting off. But even if that is not enough, thankfully the seven meter container is long enough so it can have a dedicated cold launch mechanism underneath the quad-packed cells. That way, without the need for exhaust area, the missiles might even be able to be squeezed without folded fins, with just a little bit of redesign. (similar to amraam c when compared to amraam a/b)
I originally thought it would be fairly easy to fit four PL 12 size in a quad pack also. But looking at the picture of allegedly SD10 based SAM model, the launch tube size look kind of big, much to my surprise. It would take some significant redesign to the misssile such as folding fins to make this idea work, if they are planning such a design. I still like the idea, though.