re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer
No reason they can't. SAPARS has been fitted for varyag, SPY-3 will be fit aboard ford CVNs, SMART L has been used aboard dokdo and will be used for QE class.
A generational approach to systems for a carrier and her escorts will probably be incidental. But it's not like varyag will only be escorted by 052Cs and not 052Ds or whatever future surface combatants PLAN develops just to keep a task group consistent.
Do you think they will fit this onto their indigenous carrier?
No reason they can't. SAPARS has been fitted for varyag, SPY-3 will be fit aboard ford CVNs, SMART L has been used aboard dokdo and will be used for QE class.
Maybe the previous type 052Cs are mainly for varyag? The new destroyer and the new carrier will both use newer wares.
A generational approach to systems for a carrier and her escorts will probably be incidental. But it's not like varyag will only be escorted by 052Cs and not 052Ds or whatever future surface combatants PLAN develops just to keep a task group consistent.