00X/004 future nuclear CATOBAR carrier thread


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It's certainly prudent to keep an eye out on this Dalian drydock.

What you're posted is evidence that they're constructing a large PLAN ship but how do we know it's 004? Could it be another 003? Maybe even something else like 076? Although that seems less likely as 075/076 were all built in Shanghai.


Registered Member
What you're posted is evidence that they're constructing a large PLAN ship but how do we know it's 004? Could it be another 003?

At the present stage, I don't think we can be absolutely certain that what we're seeing getting assembled inside that particular drydock is the 004 CVN, although we do know that the 004 CVN will soon begin (if not already started) general construction at Dalian for quite some time by now.

As for the sister ship to 003 Fujian - Apart from what the Guancha Trios have mentioned, so far we haven't seen any signs of any construction works being started at Jiangnan.

Thus, I'd suggest wait-and-observe for some time first.

Maybe even something else like 076? Although that seems less likely as 075/076 were all built in Shanghai.

No. Both Jiangnan and Dalian haven't build any large-sized amphibious assault ships (LHDs and LPDs). Only Hudong-Zhonghua has been responsible for building all them so far.


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Via @Captain小潇

The size of the piece seems to be correct.




Junior Member
Correct for what? CV?

To add my thoughts on the Jiangnan potential CV, there might be a positive in that the longer it takes until we see signs of a new CV there, the more likely it is to be a CVN too, a sister to 004 rather than 003. This of course being the best case scenario as far as building rate is concerned (2 CVs at a time rather than 1 until now).
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Junior Member
Registered Member
Correct for what? CV?


To add my thoughts on the Jiangnan potential CV, there might be a positive in that the longer it takes until we see signs of a new CV there, the more likely it is to be a CVN too, a sister to 004 rather than 003. This of course being the best case scenario as far as building rate is concerned (2 CVs at a time rather than 1 until now).

Disagree. The argument for Chinese CVs very much exist, even after China operates CVNs.

So type 004 is at least similar with the Ford class in size...That's insane

It's potentially bigger and this is not unreasonable, given the larger size of 6th gen planes. There were discussions before on how it's possible for carriers to get even bigger.

As an aside, I am unsure about the 00X nomenclature. Suppose a CV is commissioned after Type 004 CVN, we would have... Type 004 CVN followed by Type 005 CV?


Junior Member
Disagree. The argument for Chinese CVs very much exist, even after China operates CVNs.
I know the argument has been put forward for Jiangnan building a repeat 003 (if this is indeed what they will do, we don't know atm) because it will be ready quicker, but what about the future, especially as you rightly point out the 6th gen planes are bigger hence needing bigger ships to operate them efficiently? For a strategic ship like a carrier that will be in service for at least half a century it makes sense to be as future-proof as possible, in this case being big enough to operate the 6th gens, an increasing variety of UAVs, AND whatever else might come after that.

Besides, LHAs like 076 are getting bigger and bigger in size, it's not inconceivable that a notional future 076A would be even larger, approaching a 003 in size (and certainly capable of supporting EMALs and CTOL aircraft if they will go that route), so from that angle it makes doubtful sense to keep building 003 size CVs in the future alongside CVNs AND large LHAs (as a sidenote, i would not be surprised if the next generation LHAs after 076 are nuclear powered as well)