00X/004 future nuclear CATOBAR carrier thread


Registered Member
Gleaning from the following academic paper, and if the values presented in the paper are accurate to real life:
1. The propulsion-electrical system architecture on the 004 CVN will be similar to those on the Nimitz and Ford CVNs, namely featuring 4x steam turbines which drive 4x propulsion shafts and propellers, alongside 4x turbine generator sets serving as the CVN's main power generation units.
2. The total electrical power output of the marine nuclear reactors will be no less than 200MW. That means:
- If a two-reactor design is adopted, every reactor will have an electrical power output of no less than 110-115MW.
- If a four-reactor design is adopted, every reactor will have an electrical power output of no less than 55-60MW.
3. The current maximum power output value of domestically produced turbine generator sets is only at the 20MW level, which still falls short of the 24MW units used in the Ford CVNs. Therefore:
- The main power generation capacity of the 004 CVN is expected to be around 80MW, compared to the Ford CVN's 96-100MW.
- If further improvements can be made to shaft-driven power generation, the total power generation capacity of the 004 CVN could potentially be raised to the 90-95MW range, narrowing the gap with the Ford CVNs.

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