I am going to jump on a limb and say not likely.
there are a small number of Helicopters with proven Mid air refueling. H60 series, CH47, CH53, H225M, AW101, and the old H3. I read an article that mentions it in relation to the Mi26 but I have never seen said helicopter with a Probe or any Russian helicopter with one for that matter.
In order to safely refuel mid air there are two methods for Helicopters. The Hovering method where in the chopper hovers over a Navy ship with a hose run up to the fuel tank in the cabin.

And probe and drogue. The later requires two things first a chopper large enough to mount the probe. Second a tanker slow enough to let the Chopper keep up. The later is a bit of a surprise but most jets are just to fast. Helicopters have a fairly slow speed because of the way they fly. When the US does helicopter air to air refueling it used KC130 variants. The French do the same and also have used A400M variants. Turboprop aircraft with low stall speeds because Helicopters can’t fly faster than 315 KPH as a general rule most don’t make that at all. Most Jet tankers have a higher flight speed because of their size. As we know the PLAAF doesn’t have a ton of tankers to begin with. They did toy with using the AN12 based Y8 as a tanker early on but no evidence of actual implementation. Instead they went to the HY6. In order to establish Helicopter air to air refueling for Z20 they would need to produce a Y8/Y9 or similar tanker with a reliable low speed to let the Chopper milk and a refueling probe for Z20 and other aircraft deemed suitable.