052C/052D Class Destroyers


Senior Member
What's that discoloration at the lower section of the ship? It's consistent in all photos. Would it be a repair job or rust repair?


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What's that discoloration at the lower section of the ship? It's consistent in all photos. Would it be a repair job or rust repair?

that is mark from tug activity, sometimes the friction between ship hull and tugboat rubber cushion leave a mark like this... maybe someday the tugboat cushion can be replace with something which can prevent this happen, it's disturb the colour esthetic. i think the navy is not to happy with this... especially the painting man :p


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It suggests the Chinese fleet spends proportionally less time at sea than would be customary in the USN or other leading western navies.

The only accurate way to measure that would be to have a way of tracking how many days each ship spends at sea vs not at sea IMO. A one photo snapshot of one period in a day does not necessarily give us a good indicator of how much time in each year the ships spend at sea.

E.g. this happened last year with the RN's Type 45s:
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