Lieutenant General
What's the difference between a Democrat and a Republican? Nothing. Just like there's no difference between a European and an American. They're both Western. What Europeans complain about Americans is what Europeans do to the rest of the world. They act like they're better than everyone else. What is the common complaint the rest of the world has for the West? They treat everyone else like they're children and they're the parent that thinks they can tell what the children have to do even though they don't like, it's because only they know what's best for them. It's not any different from when they were raping and colonizing the world when the difference was then they thought of themselves as superior and everyone else was inferior to them. And who do liberals in the US look and hold up as a model like they were at a higher evolutionary plane than everyone else? Europeans.
They want to make you believe that the West that invaded and colonized the world knew they were the bad guys. No, they did what they thought was best for everyone just like what they're doing today. What ever they think is for the good, everyone has to do it. Why do you think Canadians are very sensitive about the mass graveyards of indigenous children found on the grounds of their Christian schools with victims where classmates of who were in those graves are still alive to recount it. They don't spell it out because that's how embarrassing it is that the stereotype of the nice Canadian is a big lie. I'll tell you what happened. The Canadians were stealing native children from their families and putting them in Christian schools to convert them from their savage cultures. The reason why they found mass graves is because they were killing them for whatever reason but to any civilized person it was murder for not converting as they wish. The reason why there are people still alive to give their accounts is because they were killing native children all the way up to the 1970s. That ain't ancient history. It's recent history. See how easily a monster can be made to look nice. You just need to deny and hide it ever happened. Or look to the British who like to laud that they stopped slavery on their own. Yeah but they forget that they still enslaved people against their will... And British think they're better than people like the Chinese who never got involved in the slave trade in the first place.