This concept never came into fruition but such modular VLS structures can be used for other purposes too. The Type 216 proposal had such a VLS. It could be fitted with a CM launcher. But it could also act as a special forces or UUV hangar. Or even a mine depot... It had a room below it to support such uses. We also know 2 ex-BM tubes of the Ohio SSGNs are for special operator uses. Such a design is impossible with individual UVLS-sized cells.No, you can't.
As missiles grow bigger in size to fit larger/more powerful engines and larger fuel storage in order to strike faster and/or farther, having only one fixed VLS size means that an impassable celling is imposed on how far and/or how fast a missile can go, no matter how much that VLS cell volume is milked, and how perfect you are with your missile engineering and manufacturing.
That's the reason why the US Navy proceeded with the Virginia Payload Module (VPM) section that is fitted with 4x VPTs, which are then inserted amidships (more like amidboats). Apart from the ability to fit 7x of the Tomahawk missiles (~520mm diameter) per VPT, it also has the capability to fit 3x of the much larger CPS missiles (~880mm diameter) per VPT.
The great degree of versatility offered by such multipack VLS tubes to carry out strikes against land or surface targets at extended ranges (~2000-4000+ kilometers) and/or at very high speeds (Mach 8-12+) can never be overstated, especially for SSNs (and even SSBNs in SSGN-configuration) which are perfect platforms for conducting such strikes against faraway enemy targets from waters that are still contolled/disputed by hostile forces. Such advantages which is unique to subsurface platforms more than enough overweighs any drawbacks related to costs and volume utilization onboard SSNs.
Moreover, since the tubes on SSBNs (and perhaps even SSNs, if the PLAN wants to go even further in terms of versatility in SL-ICBM deployment) that house both SL-ICBMs and multipack VLS tubes are already designed and made for both firing SL-ICBMs and housing multipack VLS tubes from the get go - I don't see how that's going to be much of an issue/problematic.

I agree. SSGN is becoming a useless designation. I think to call something an SSGN it should really carry an outstanding amount of missiles and it should lack the kinematics of an SSN. The converted Ohios with their 154 VLS are undoubtedly SSGNs. And they are retiring in 4 years without a replacement.The 095 would always only ever be an SSN or SSGN, though increasingly the "SSGN" designation seems to be getting more and more meaningless as the years pass and more SSNs are being designed with more and more VLS tubes.
In fact, even the SSBN designation is shaky. The 095 is expected to be able to carry the YJ-21 or similar missiles. Which are arguably evolved forms of traditional BMs. So, technically, it will be an SSBN. Let's go a step forward and assume that China adopted a nuclear-armed YJ-21. Then the 095 will become a nuclear-propelled sub with nuclear-armed ballistic missiles. It will be hard for the current designation system to differentiate such a sub from the traditional SSBN. We need a new designation for the latter. Strategic nuclear deterrence submarine, maybe?
Even funnier suggestion to short circuit the designation system: Single JL-3 derivative option for the 095's tubes similar to the Oresnik-Yars arrangament.