Aircraft Carriers III


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
There is a solution to the Carrier shortage. Very simple but expensive in fact. Re-commission USS Kitty Hawk which currently the only USN CV held in reserve..

Re-fitting of Kitty Hawk could take place in Bremerton WA where she is currently stored. Kitty Hawk is the only USN CV held in reserve. John F Kennedy and Independence in storage but are stricken from the Navy list and are awaiting disposal.

Such a re-fit of Kitty Hawk would take about 2-3 years at a cost of $3 to $4 billion USD. Not cheap by any means.

As for the air wing.....New aircraft could be assigned as they are built ..or preserved aircraft from Davis-Motham AFB in Tucson AZ could be used initially.

AND... those persons in charge accountable/responsible for the re-fits of our active CVNs and the the construction of CVN-78 need to be held responsible for cost over-runs and delays. FIX the situation NOW! NO MORE EXCUSES!!!

January 20th is not coming fast enough!!

Just my opinion.
And for it a CVN is a problem...much more easy less expensive with a conventionnal propulsion.
comes from the blog post
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I think the author is a member here

are you?
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Further to my last post about Big Liz helping to ease the pressure on the USN's carrier fleet, it seems to be a plan already in the works:
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this sentence from the above source:

“As we bring our two new aircraft carriers on-stream in 2020, and as we renew and update our defence forces, they will be seen in the Pacific."

made me check
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Obi Wan Russell

Jedi Master
VIP Professional
this sentence from the above source:

“As we bring our two new aircraft carriers on-stream in 2020, and as we renew and update our defence forces, they will be seen in the Pacific."

made me check
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Try not to worry to much about the terminology used by politicians, they have little understanding of how these things work in the armed forces, they only know that the ships are in the process of entering service over the next few years and have probably been told vaguely when at least one of them will be available to deploy overseas. They have publicly expressed an intention of how they want to use the ships, details subject to change according to circumstance.
Try not to worry to much about the terminology used by politicians, they have little understanding of how these things work in the armed forces, they only know that the ships are in the process of entering service over the next few years and have probably been told vaguely when at least one of them will be available to deploy overseas. They have publicly expressed an intention of how they want to use the ships, details subject to change according to circumstance.
yeah, the glass half empty or half full
People who argue about whether the glass is half empty or half full are missing the point: The GLASS is REFILLABLE! Mine's a vodka and coke thanks!
actually I'm wondering about the number of drinks when
"Kim Darroch, Britain’s ambassador to the US said at a think-tank event in Washington:

“As we bring our two new aircraft carriers on-stream in 2020, and as we renew and update our defence forces, they will be seen in the Pacific. ..."

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another peculiar part in the above article is "... a ‘Littoral Manoeuvre’ package could include a mix of RAF Chinooks, Army Apaches, Merlin HC4 and Wildcat HM2. We understand that vessel would still carry at least one F-35 flight aboard in such circumstances to offer air defence as well as support to the helicopter assault activities."

the numeral is preceded by 'at least', but still