An Interesting read on the QECs and F-35B:
Particularly liked this bit:
"...I think we (the UK) have a huge advantage as both of these capabilities — F-35 and Queen Elizabeth Class — were designed with each other in mind from the very beginning. Having visited NAS Fallon with the RN last week, it is clear from the US Navy that live virtual constructive training will be crucial to understand both transformations and exploit the next generation capabilities that they bring.
"The USN were very interested in our purchase of
DMRT, the deployed mission-ready trainers, essentially a
portable full mission simulator [FMS], one of which is already in place at Edwards AFB to support our Operational Test and Evaluation effort.
"...Deployable Mission Rehearsal Trainers (DMRT) The less-complex DMRT design has two cockpits with smaller visual displays and is mounted in a container that can be easily transported from site to site...."
Two containers are will be ‘hung’ in the hangar deck of the Queen Elizabeth Class Carriers, which allows us to practice any number of scenarios from carrier flying to high-end training to our heart’s content on board the ship. The ability to be able to
mission rehearse or even problem solve with this capability is a step into the next generation of warfare.
The next step will be connecting that across to the Typhoon simulators off the ship in order to be able to remotely participate in 4th/5th gen training. There’s work in progress at the moment in terms of connecting a range of different simulators in the UK and not just in the air domain...."
The spaces in the QEC design which had been reserved for the Arrestor gear engines below the flight deck aft have long since been re allocated to the mission planning for the Lightnings. What then happened was that the spaces that were 'reserved' for cat and trap gear was given over for other uses - it's simply not practical to sail a warship around with great empty spaces in it. In the case of arresting gear, the spaces involved were very large, and have been used to house the extremely large mission planning areas demanded by the F-35 team.
Given the above, it's hardly surprising the USMC is keen (to put it mildly) to deploy aboard the QECs alongside The FAA/RAF and show what their new toys can do!