Zhuhai Air Show 2020


VIP Professional
the reflection is obscuring what looks to me as a reference to satellite navigation on that placard/screen. can anyone confirm that it indeed says satnav?


VIP Professional
It's unlikely that the difference between export variant and PLA variant extends to the rocket motor. In all likelihood, all the big hardware items are the same. Such as airframe, rocket motor, warhead, seeker, fuze, computer etc. But, while the seeker may be the same hardware wise, its performance also depends on software and there may very well be different software modes which somewhat limit seeker performance.

Also, range against slow targets is greatly a function of trajectory and guidance modes. Which can very much be subjected to software limits or simple deletion of some small components. For example, maybe the PL-15 has a two way datalink. (we don't know) but maybe the PL-15E meant for export has the transmitter not present, so the missile can't send its data back to the plane.

If the missile can't send its location data back to the plane, then the plane can't send as precise course correction instructions to the missile. Which ultimately means that *effective* range of the missile, range at which it can precisely pursue a certain kind of a target, may be lower.

Also, if the software doesn't allow the missile to go in a high arc, lofted trajectory, then the missile's range against slower targets may suffer to a great degree.

It's all a bit hard to assess accurately, but IF such limitations have been implemented, it wouldn't be implausible than the PLA's PL-15 can indeed reach 200 km against slow targets.


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There was *some* news of carbon fiber fan blades being ready for use on the CJ-1000 from around 2019, but don’t think the sourcing on that was ever corroborated. Tbh I kind of suspected that movement in this direction could happen, but this model seems to provide some level of confirmation. Agreed that we’ll see if there are any announcements, and if so what the actual details are, but this particular serial of this model is very peculiar.
AECC has state CJ1000A is switching to carbon fiber fan baldes


New Member
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There was *some* news of carbon fiber fan blades being ready for use on the CJ-1000 from around 2019, but don’t think the sourcing on that was ever corroborated. Tbh I kind of suspected that movement in this direction could happen, but this model seems to provide some level of confirmation. Agreed that we’ll see if there are any announcements, and if so what the actual details are, but this particular serial of this model is very peculiar.
树脂基复合材料风扇叶片 → resin based composites


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Even more, the FC-31 is still labelled FC-31 only ... and no sign of the J-35?

FC-31will never be J-35. Its debut fly is eighteen months later than J-20 but J-20 entered service four years ago. If FC-31 was destined o be a J-XX it should be in service years ago too.

Also, if PLAAF wants this plane, they would not allow it to show up in so many air show.