Zhuhai Air Show 2020


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You said not to post from TikTok! ;)

FC-31/J-31 model being unwrapped.



Registered Member
Showing H-20 at Zhuhai would be quite a divergence from normal behaviour. We're talking about a strategic bomber. I don't think the PLA will/should really show real details of it even if it is ready. It might reveal too much about things like payload, range, and stealthiness/where and how it is weaker in stealthiness. Just unwise to give that away for nothing.

At most, what they should do is give controlled glimpses of closeups. Nothing to build a good idea of what it is or isn't capable of.

I mean the DF-41 is also not shown. I don't think even the DF-31A has been shown. Actual missiles. None of the HGVs except for the vehicle on the DF-17 has been shown. The DF-21 and DF-26 ASBM also secret and kept. So the highest tier of secrecy is the nuclear delivery. We've no idea what JL-3 looks like even though it's in service (at least tested twice). Why should H-20 be any different? It is essentially the DF-41 vehicle itself in a different form.

The only positive quality from showing it is boosting national pride and all that. Oh and of course more deterrence. To do this, they can just show parts of it or very blurry video footage from afar with no sense of scale. Nothing too sensitive revealed.

The build up and hype though would suggest they are interested in showing it some time. Probably well after it is ready and in service.