Zhuhai Air Show 2018


Tyrant King
This is a tube traveling vehicle I assume? There were plans for these things in several countries at one point but the expense of making the tunnels and maintaining a vacuum to travel at that speed was considered anti-economic at the time. Today you see people like Elon Musk proposing things like the Hyperloop which has much the same issues though. 1000 kph is basically supersonic speed so all the proposals that I can remember for that basically used a lower air pressure or vacuum because of that.
still are.
Infact Richard Branson is pushing another line with Virgin Hyperloop.

Believe it or not it's not a new idea. Although the speed is. The back in 1870 New York city had a short lived Pneumatic transit prototype. Before that there were other variations of the idea dating back to the the turn of the 19th century.

There have been some rumors that the PRC is looking into A Sino hyper loop run.


The outdoor displays are almost finished...



