Banned Idiot
Yes, he was second to none! But let us remember that the word "admiral" is Arabic! I think Arab traders landed in Indonesia before the Chinese, simply because they plied Indian Ocean long before his time and traded with India, E. Africa, Sri Lanka, SE Asia and China itself (since at least 851 AD)- and sure they were in Indonesia before that date.what was zheng he's expedition different from other traveller (not explorer since he already known what's out there) was dat he didn't travel cheap into the unknown. he brought with him treasure of china to trade with the world. he didn't cheat or stole from the natives.
it's rather sad to compare him to european explorer. zheng he can only class above european or nothing at all. he is credited for bringing muslim to indonesia from china. muslim was not brought to indonesia by the arab.
there are temples built dedicated to zheng he, even though he is a islam believer local chinese revere him as God of the Sea. i think dat's is a fair statement. since he cleared out the pirates infected water of indonesia in his time, to make way for sea routes to trade between india and china.
his achievement for humanity is still yet fully known, i hope they can find more evidences to proof him alleged achievement.
Arab immigration to Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore started around 4th century A.D. and continues to the present day. Arabs are respected by the Malays because they are seen as the carriers of Islam.
"It is an extraordinary finding because on the ship we can find artefacts that come from five Chinese dynasties. And also we can find another artefact that indicates there was a spread of Islam in Indonesia from the 10th Century.
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