No, back then there were no Russians, just Slavic tribes fighting each other (like later Scandinavians). They invited the Varyag chieftains who by some accounts were half Slavs to rule over them so they won't kill off each other,
and before that the Vikings/Varyags were taking Slavs as captives to help them conduct their riverborne trade with Bysantium- check the old National Geograhic magazine.
Before the Vikings, there were the Irish (the Vikings themselves addmitted that), Welsh, Celts, Iberians, Romans- if we are talking of just the Europeans; Phoenicians, Lybians, Egyptians, Hebrews, Africans, Arabs, Malayans, Khmers, Indians, Polynesians, Japanese and of course Chinese- besides those who came much earlier following the coastlines from the Far East to Alaska & further South.
I think that they were many different peoples over many millenia (in prehistoric and historic times) who found their way to both coasts of North & South America- the evidence is clear in many areas of Antropology.