Can anyone translate Please ??? ... I'm still at work.
A camerman who attended the AC352's flirst flight found this cutout decoration at Harbin Aircraft Industry (Group), and apparently the PLA has picked a nickname for the Z-20, "入雲龍" ("Dragon in the Clouds" aka "Gongsun Sheng"), in line with the tradition (since Z-10 enter service) of naming helicopter after characters in the classic tale "Shui Hu Zhuan ".AC352の初飛行に参加したカメラマンがハルピン飛機工業集団で発見されたZ-20のロゴマーク、やはりZ-20の愛称は噂通りの「入雲龍」だろう。PLAのヘリの愛称は水滸伝の登場人物に由来する、Z-10の愛称は「霹靂火」、Z-19の愛称は「黒旋風」だった。
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