And what about their strategic insight?
Dunno... I can only comment on things I am fairly certain is true based on what I now HOWEVER if I have to hazard a guess they are in disarray in terms of strategic initiatives and policies.
IMHO The house of Saud is in a disastrous predicament and trying to either placate or fight everyone and everything but with no clear objective and directions akin to a chicken with it's head cut off.
In a nutshell, on one hand they NEED to ally with the US for economic/military purposes (and US pressure to be quite honest) and also as a counter balance to Iran but on the other their overall agenda does not fit in well with US foreign policies. On the cultural side their brand of belief (Salafist/Wahabbism) is highly incompatible with Western values and majority of Saudis are also extremely anti US. In Saudi culture the Church (Sunni Mosque) = State. Not only is there no separation but it is just one entity.
All these variables play a crucial role in carving out their messy and ambiguous strategic goals and planning.