I love guns, was a member of both the rifle and clay pigeon shooting clubs at uni, and would buy a few handguns and rifles tomorrow if they were legal in the UK/or did not require so many permits as is the case with a hunting rifle.
However, I don't need a gun, nor does any civilian anywhere in the developed world or the vast majority of the developing world.
Owning a gun in any country where there is even the most rudimentary rule of law is a choice, and past time.
The vast majority of Americans don't own a gun because they honestly think they need to one day use them to overthrow their government, and the ones who actually think that should be the very last people in America to actually be allowed to own fire arms.
Anyone who believes guns don't kill people should re-acquaint themselves with reality and remember what exactly guns were designed and made to do. Just look at the two remarkably similar cases with despicable cowards targeting children in America and China.
It would have been hard to design a more clear-cut illustration of just how much of a difference gun ownership made, and the tragic facts speak for themselves.
As I have already said, I love guns, but I consider the enjoyment I would have had from owning and shooting fire arms to be a tiny, inconsequential price to pay if it meant a single child who would have been killed by a bullet was saved. And there can be absolutely no doubt at all that tighter gun control laws would save lives, a great many lives.
For the vast majority of Americans, gun ownership is either for recreational purposes, or for self-defense, and for neither of those purposes do you need assault rifles, 50 cal sniper rifles, or many many other weapons you would only ever need or expect to find on a battlefield. Restricting the sale and ownership of such weapons should be a no-brainer, and all polls shows the majority of Americans either support, or have no fundamental problem with banning such weapons. Yet, a tiny tiny vocal minority have somehow managed to make ownership of such weapons sacrosanct, and any talk of banning them effective career suicide. It is hard to think of a more vivid example of a total failure of democracy.