US send in the army and drove all the way into Mexico City and annexed half of Mexico territory when all is said done and over. I mean, I'm sure you have no problem with this right? You have no problem with China following the USA's action on Mexico territorial disputes by invade Philippine with force?
Please learn some history before you actually type.
Actually, Jackliu, you gross over simplification of that war in an effort to make the US look like a war monger is not how it happened at all.
I am very familiar with Texas history and US history, and you can do any serious study of that War and what led to it by reading some serious schloarly material instead of relying on Wikipedia. I have referred some of those books to you in the past. You can start with "So Far from God: The U.S. War With Mexico, 1846-1848," and go from there. I have several others that serve as in depth references when you are finished with that one.
There were negotiations leading up to the 1845 treaty the made Texas a part of the United States, and then afterwards.
But the real rub was that the Mexican government did not like having lost Texas in the Texas Revolution of 1836, and the treaty Santa Anna was forced to sign when he lost the Battle of San Jacinto in 1836. Mexico hoped they could get Texas back, but they knew annexation by the United States would make that almost impossible.
Despite that, there were negotiations and talk regarding the border, first by Texas, who, as a weaker nation, the Mexicans regularly disrespected and violated with incursions over the border, including far past the Nueces River, and then late, for a year with the United States after annexation. US President Polk sent his emissary, John Slidell to negotiate with the Meican government...but over the space of a year, two successive Mexican government's refused to meet with him and discuss his proposals.
That's because even after Texas was annexed, the Mexican government sent units of their military across the border. Finally, General Zackery Taylor was ordered by U.S. President Polk to patrol the disputed border lands and insure that there were no more Mexican incursions. Fighting began on April 24, 1846 when Mexican cavalry captured one of the American detachments near the Rio Grande, killing 16 of them. After that border clash there came the battles at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, Polk requested a declaration of war and it was granted by Congress on May 13, 1846. Mexico declared war on the United States on May 23, 1846, and that's how the war started.
And yes, once it started, the US drove all the way to Mexico City (in a very dangerous and often over extended campaign that could easily have gone very wrong). But, in the end, the US defeated Mexico, and occupied their capitol until they signed the peace treaty. In that treaty, they were punished for their actions, the disputed lands all the way to California (which around the same time effected its own independence from Mexico) were ceded to the United States, but the Mexicans were actually paid for it a total of $15 million dollars, and the US assuming over $3 million more in claims by US citizens (which is not what a war monger and tyrant does. A complete tyrant just takes it...all of it.) Whatever you may want to say, Mexico lost that war, and they signed the treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo. The US and Mexico have recognized those borders ever since.
So, please take your own advise and learn more about what happened before you quote Wikipedia as some kind of authoritative source. It is not.
Anyhow, come on, Jackliu, just what has
any of that old history got to do with World News today, anyway?
Almost sounds like you are behaving exactly as those whom you complain about.