That would be desired by other claimants no doubt, the US acts in accordance to it when it comes to territorial disputes and issues.
Also may I add on how US dealt with their territorial dispute when it had them, remember the Mexican–American War? And I quote from wikipedia.
"The border of Texas as an independent state had never been settled. The Republic of Texas claimed land up to the Rio Grande based on the Treaties of Velasco, but Mexico refused to accept these as valid, claiming the border as the Nueces River. Reference to the Rio Grande boundary of Texas was omitted from the U.S. Congress' annexation resolution to help secure passage after the annexation treaty failed in the Senate. President Polk claimed the Rio Grande boundary, and this provoked a dispute with Mexico."
Want take a guess how US dealt with dispute peacefully? they had a sit down and a peacefully civilized chat with the Mexican government and in the end everyone hugged each other and exchanged gifts... Just kidding.
US send in the army and drove all the way into Mexico City and annexed half of Mexico territory when all is said done and over. I mean, I'm sure you have no problem with this right? You have no problem with China following the USA's action on Mexico territorial disputes by invade Philippine with force? Since all the buzz going on in the world right now is how China stealing and copy from America, why not copy this?
Or do you want me to give you a list of broken treaties that US have signed with the Native Americans and broke them one by one as they expand ever westwards? Do you think China should learn this from US on how to deal with it is weaker neighbors? Because US did it, I'm sure you don't mind if China follows it is example right?
Please learn some history before you actually type.