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Junior Member
Beyond ridiculous doesn't even begin to cover this.

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Most Americans think that China stole their manufacturing jobs and actually believe that if the US government was tough enough on the Chinese, they'd get their old jobs back. Obama knows this and wants to use it to his advantage in preparation for the upcoming elections.

However, never had those Americans even remotely considered the possibility that those jobs would simply go to other developing countries such as Vietnam, Philippines, Cambodia.


Lieutenant General
Beyond ridiculous doesn't even begin to cover this.

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It's an election year, the Obama campaign manager needs to show some fake muscles in front of the crowd to get the Romney followers to shiver a bit that's all. After the election, it's back to business as usual.


Lieutenant General
All you have to do is look at the guy on this list that has given the most money so his candidate wins the Presidency. Sheldon Aldelson has casinos in Macau, the biggest money-making gambling hub in the world. Does anyone actually think Romney is going to carry out any of his threats to China when his number one donor will be punished most severely?

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Junior Member
I sincerely hope members -especially Manilaboy and the likes- don't get upset with me for posting this article. I simply was surprised to find it and considered it quite interesting. I'm hoping to hear some of your views without it becoming racist or political.With the way this site has been going lately, that might just be too big an ask but hopefully we can keep it civil.
I might add that i like the idea of the article though i have strong ties both to the Philipinnes and China myself, having been to both countries twice each this year alone.For me it would be a dream for these two countries to have such a close relationship if not entirely merge.I'll look forward to reading any comments when i get honme from work?

A new statehood movement? Pinoys for annexation to China
With Chinese ships maneuvering unimpeded all over the South China Sea, and the Philippines unable to do anything but watch, there is a miniscule yet growing number of Filipinos who are taking to heart the adage “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.” These folks are the 21st century version of the “Philippine Statehood” movement of the sixties and seventies. And while the rest of us might quickly dismiss them as an inconsequential, fringe group, they do make compelling arguments for their cause.

Adding fuel to the fire, on May 7, 2012 He Jia, a TV news anchor for China's state broadcaster CCTV said on-air that “the Philippines is an inherent part of China's territory over which China has unquestionable sovereignty.” What Jia really meant to say was that the Spratly Islands were part of China. Though she quickly apologized for her gaffe, ultra-nationalist Chinese lit up the internet agreeing with her initial statement.

So why do a handful of Pinoy uber pessimists harbor the notion that the Philippines would be better off under China? Here are a few of the arguments they put forth:

China will soon be the world’s richest and most powerful country. The Philippines might as well become part of it sooner rather than later.
The decades-long Mindanao conflict that has so divided the country will come to an end should the Philippines becomes part of China. Since China is atheistic, neither Catholics nor Moslems will have any power to control anything. It will also be the fulfillment of Jose Rizal’s dream of finally ridding the country from the grip of the Spanish friars or their modern-day counterparts in the CBCP (Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines).
Filipinos thrive and prosper when someone else makes the rules. As an example, Filipinos in North America do very well under American and Canadian governance where laws are enforced strictly but evenhandedly on everyone.
China’s one-child policy will slam the brakes on the Philippines’ exploding population. Forced sterilization after a certain number of children could well become a distinct reality under Chinese rule—this would be like the RH Bill (Reproductive Health Bill) but on steroids.
The Philippine Military in no way, shape or form can stand up to China’s war machine as it stands today. Forcing our young men to battle such an overwhelming foe would be nothing short of sheer irresponsibility. It would be like marching our boys into a giant meat grinder!
The Philippine economy today is already controlled by the Chinese anyway. Filipino-Chinese businesses are among the largest private sector employers in the country. Most Filipinos already have a Chinese boss.
In a few decades even the United States will be unable to decisively defeat China. The Philippines will have no one to turn to even if the U.S. really wanted to help.
In China, there is swift justice for all those who break the law. Even high ranking politicians get the axe. In 2007 China executed Zheng Xiaoyu who ran China’s Food and Drug Administration. Mr. Xiaoyu was found guilty of corruption in May 2007 and was executed two months later in July. No decades-long court maneuverings like you have in Philippine courts where only those with lots of money have the staying power and the ability to out-bribe their opponents.
The Philippines was number one in Southeast Asia when it gained independence from the United States in 1946. Since then it has gone from the very top to near bottom in the six decades since Filipinos started calling the shots. It takes a lot more than just really bad luck to fall that far down. Pinoys it seems are simply incapable of properly governing themselves.
Though overwhelmingly unpopular today, future generations of Filipinos will be thankful that the country became part of China. Just ask Hawaiians whether they’re glad they are part of the United States? In 1898 when the Newlands Resolution was passed annexing the Hawaiian Islands as part of America, the majority of native Hawaiians were against it. Those opposed to annexation have long since passed away but, their progeny who make up today’s Hawaiians are all proud to be Americans.
While we at PHILNEWS.COM do not necessarily agree or disagree with the above arguments, we do find them persuasive and thus offer them to you our readers for analysis and comment. Tell us what you think. Published 7/21/2012

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bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
How many San Miguels did the unknown writer of that alleged editorial have before he/she wrote that article?!.. ridiculous..

The same sort of dribble was passed around in the Philippines 40-50 years ago only then the RP would become a part of the US again. Pure nonsense.


Banned Idiot
How about having political contributions cappedor banned in the presedential elections altogether?

NZ Greens against Huawei involvement in Broadband rollout.

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The Green Party is calling on the Government to seriously consider the damning findings of the United States House of Representatives' Intelligence Committee report into Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei.

The House committee reported it had received credible allegations that Huawei may be guilty of bribery and corruption, discriminatory behavior and copyright infringement and recommends that U.S. network providers and system developers are "strongly encouraged to seek other vendors for their projects".

"The Government should review using Huawei on broadband rollout in order to protect our economy, information and intellectual property from cyber-attack," said Green Party ICT spokesperson Gareth Hughes.

"Despite the Australian Government and the U.S. House of Representatives both taking steps to minimise the risk of Huawei operating in their countries, our Government is doing nothing to ensure the integrity of our telecommunications infrastructure.

"The House of Representatives have raised real concerns about Huawei that our Government should take seriously.

"The New Zealand taxpayer shouldn't be giving Huawei hundreds of millions of dollars to make it easier for Beijing to potentially spy on us.

"The Government was irresponsible to dismiss legitimate concerns about Huawei in March when Australia blocked the company from being involved in their fibre rollout.

"It’s unlikely that John Key and his spy agencies would know something both the US and Australia Governments don't and it is now prudent to review our relationship with Huawei in light of this new information."


I dont know myself, but with plenty of articles like this floating around, perhaps the Greens have a point.

Hackers reveal critical vulnerabilities in Huawei routers at Defcon
The hackers criticized Huawei for insecure coding practices and lack of security transparency

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Security researchers disclosed critical vulnerabilities in routers from Chinese networking and telecommunications equipment manufacturer Huawei at the Defcon hackers conference on Sunday.

The vulnerabilities -- a session hijack, a heap overflow, and a stack overflow -- were found in the firmware of Huawei AR18 and AR29 series routers and could be exploited to take control of the devices over the Internet, said Felix Lindner, the head of security firm Recurity Labs and one of the two researchers who found the flaws.

[ Also on InfoWorld: Teach your router new tricks with DD-WRT. | Get expert networking how-to advice from InfoWorld's Networking Deep Dive PDF special report and Technology: Networking newsletter. ]

Huawei is one of the fastest growing providers of networking and telecommunication equipment in the world. Huawei equipment powers half of the world's Internet infrastructure, Lindner said.

The researcher, who also analyzed the security of Cisco networking equipment in the past, described the security of the Huawei devices he analyzed as "the worst ever" and said that they're bound to contain more vulnerabilities.

During the Defcon talk, which Lindner gave together with Recurity Labs security consultant Gregor Kopf, the researchers pointed out that there are over 10,000 calls in the firmware's code to sprintf, a function that's known to be insecure.

"This stuff is distrusting," said security researcher Dan Kaminsky, who is best known for discovering a major vulnerability in the world's DNS (Domain Name System) infrastructure in 2008 and who worked for Cisco in the past. "If I were to teach someone from scratch how to write binary exploits, these routers would be what I'd demonstrate on."

"What FX [Lindner's moniker in security circles] has shown is that the 15 years of secure coding practices that we've learned about -- the things to do or not do -- have not been absorbed by the engineers at Huawei," Kaminsky said.

According to the Huawei website, the AR series routers are used by enterprises and AR18 in particular is marketed as product intended for small and home offices.

The Recurity Labs researchers specified during the talk that they didn't test any "big boxes" like the Huawei NE series routers -- which are intended for telecom data communication networks -- because they couldn't obtain them.

Lindner and Kopf also criticized Huawei for its lack of transparency when it comes to security issues. The company doesn't have a security contact for reporting vulnerabilities, doesn't put out security advisories and doesn't say what bugs have been fixed in its firmware updates, the researchers said.

"If I don't know who to contact, I can't tell you about your bugs and this happens," Lindner said, referring to the public disclosure of vulnerabilities.

The researcher hopes that this will be a wake-up call for Huawei customers. The only way to force a company to build more secure products is to make the customers ask for it, like it happened in the past with Microsoft, Cisco or Apple, he said.

Huawei did not return a request for comment.
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Banned Idiot
How about having political contributions cappedor banned in the presedential elections altogether?

NZ Greens against Huawei involvement in Broadband rollout.

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The Green Party is calling on the Government to seriously consider the damning findings of the United States House of Representatives' Intelligence Committee report into Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei.

The House committee reported it had received credible allegations that Huawei may be guilty of bribery and corruption, discriminatory behavior and copyright infringement and recommends that U.S. network providers and system developers are "strongly encouraged to seek other vendors for their projects".

"The Government should review using Huawei on broadband rollout in order to protect our economy, information and intellectual property from cyber-attack," said Green Party ICT spokesperson Gareth Hughes.

"Despite the Australian Government and the U.S. House of Representatives both taking steps to minimise the risk of Huawei operating in their countries, our Government is doing nothing to ensure the integrity of our telecommunications infrastructure.

"The House of Representatives have raised real concerns about Huawei that our Government should take seriously.

"The New Zealand taxpayer shouldn't be giving Huawei hundreds of millions of dollars to make it easier for Beijing to potentially spy on us.

"The Government was irresponsible to dismiss legitimate concerns about Huawei in March when Australia blocked the company from being involved in their fibre rollout.

"It’s unlikely that John Key and his spy agencies would know something both the US and Australia Governments don't and it is now prudent to review our relationship with Huawei in light of this new information."


I dont know myself, but with plenty of articles like this floating around, perhaps the Greens have a point.

Hackers reveal critical vulnerabilities in Huawei routers at Defcon
The hackers criticized Huawei for insecure coding practices and lack of security transparency

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Security researchers disclosed critical vulnerabilities in routers from Chinese networking and telecommunications equipment manufacturer Huawei at the Defcon hackers conference on Sunday.

The vulnerabilities -- a session hijack, a heap overflow, and a stack overflow -- were found in the firmware of Huawei AR18 and AR29 series routers and could be exploited to take control of the devices over the Internet, said Felix Lindner, the head of security firm Recurity Labs and one of the two researchers who found the flaws.

[ Also on InfoWorld: Teach your router new tricks with DD-WRT. | Get expert networking how-to advice from InfoWorld's Networking Deep Dive PDF special report and Technology: Networking newsletter. ]

Huawei is one of the fastest growing providers of networking and telecommunication equipment in the world. Huawei equipment powers half of the world's Internet infrastructure, Lindner said.

The researcher, who also analyzed the security of Cisco networking equipment in the past, described the security of the Huawei devices he analyzed as "the worst ever" and said that they're bound to contain more vulnerabilities.

During the Defcon talk, which Lindner gave together with Recurity Labs security consultant Gregor Kopf, the researchers pointed out that there are over 10,000 calls in the firmware's code to sprintf, a function that's known to be insecure.

"This stuff is distrusting," said security researcher Dan Kaminsky, who is best known for discovering a major vulnerability in the world's DNS (Domain Name System) infrastructure in 2008 and who worked for Cisco in the past. "If I were to teach someone from scratch how to write binary exploits, these routers would be what I'd demonstrate on."

"What FX [Lindner's moniker in security circles] has shown is that the 15 years of secure coding practices that we've learned about -- the things to do or not do -- have not been absorbed by the engineers at Huawei," Kaminsky said.

According to the Huawei website, the AR series routers are used by enterprises and AR18 in particular is marketed as product intended for small and home offices.

The Recurity Labs researchers specified during the talk that they didn't test any "big boxes" like the Huawei NE series routers -- which are intended for telecom data communication networks -- because they couldn't obtain them.

Lindner and Kopf also criticized Huawei for its lack of transparency when it comes to security issues. The company doesn't have a security contact for reporting vulnerabilities, doesn't put out security advisories and doesn't say what bugs have been fixed in its firmware updates, the researchers said.

"If I don't know who to contact, I can't tell you about your bugs and this happens," Lindner said, referring to the public disclosure of vulnerabilities.

The researcher hopes that this will be a wake-up call for Huawei customers. The only way to force a company to build more secure products is to make the customers ask for it, like it happened in the past with Microsoft, Cisco or Apple, he said.

Huawei did not return a request for comment.

I think it's time the Chinese government started blocking American companies getting access to the Chinese market for national security purposes.
While they are at it, ban all American NGOs since they are really spy agencies for the CIA and interfere in china's internal affairs.
Companies like FedEx and UPS getting access to the domestic logistics network can become a security threat.

It's about time china started to punch back.

This is getting to the ridiculous stage where every Chinese export is put tariffs on, Chinese companies are discriminated against, etc.
Enough is enough.


Banned Idiot
Team New Zealand ahead of other countries in boat design in the Americas Cup.

I thought"Deft" might be interested in this as I believe he was interested in desiging wing sails.

At the moment NZ is the only country that can get the wing sail to lift the boat out of the water and make it glide along like a hover craft. I was fortunate to be out on the harbour with friends when team NZ was training .It was beautiful to actually see it glide like that

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bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
think it's time the Chinese government started blocking American companies getting access to the Chinese market for national security purposes.
While they are at it, ban all American NGOs since they are really spy agencies for the CIA and interfere in china's internal affairs.
Companies like FedEx and UPS getting access to the domestic logistics network can become a security threat.

maybe the US should block COSCO from using the former Long Beach Naval shipyard as their base in the US??

This is getting to the ridiculous stage where every Chinese export is put tariffs on, Chinese companies are discriminated against, etc.
Enough is enough.

the majority foreign imports to the US has some sort of tariff placed on said import no matter what country the import is from..
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